Chapter 1: F*ck!

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"Miss Top 2" Liam sneered, his eyes looking down on Mia.

"Yeah, pretty mature." She rolled her eyes, holding the test report their teacher just handed out, her score just above her thumb where she holds it.

'92/100' written in red ink.

Liam held out his paper, waving it from side to side. His score noticeable, '94/100'

Mia's not the type to get irritated by petty things like whose higher but she's pretty damn irritated on how Ethan's teasing..

.. "Jacqueline! Wake up you missed the first falling star."

My eyes shot open, I blinked a couple times before sitting up.

When did I even fall asleep?

"Come here, I think there's more," Mom beckoned me with her hands. Both her and Dad stood at the balcony looking up at the sky.

It was in the news that there'd be a meteor shower today, so we decided to wait for it.

I got up from the couch, stretched, then walked over to my parents.

"Good nap?" Dad asked, ruffling my hair. "Yea," I mumbled.

A couple more seconds and the meteor shower went from a few falling stars to a lot.

"Okay, how about we each say a wish?" Dad suggested.

I closed my eyes, thinking up of any wish just for the fun of it.

"Jax, how about you wish for a little romance in your life?" My mom nudge me.

I gave her a flabbergasted look.

Dad followed, "Yeah, I think that's a good idea. You're going to start college soon"

I gasped in exaggeration, "Even you Dad?" I shook my head at them, "Whatever. Sure."

I closed my eyes, now thinking about my wish.

Maybe give me a chance to experience romance. Enough romance that my parents won't have to nag me about it.

But then I remembered the book I was reading before I fell asleep. It was a book where the girl has three rich guys liking her.

You know what? I guess give me something like Mia's story.

As we were heading back in,"I wished for a lot of boyfriend."I announced as we all went back in.

"That's my girl. We didn't give you those great genes just so you could waste it," Mom patted me in the shoulder.

"Oh god," I covered my ears, already entering my room.

"Good night," I heard my parents snicker behind me.

I removed the clothes from my bed and moved them to the chair. You know the chair only full of your clothes. Yes, that.

And lastly, I placed the book I just finished to the bookshelf.

A Series of You and Me, the title reads. I looked at it one last time to bathe in the satisfaction of finishing another book.

After, Ithen plopped down to my bed and before I knew it I'm already asleep.

I knew I was asleep but it was like something was pulling me from my deep slumber. The buzzing noise of people around me made me open my eyes.

"..what the fu-"

"Jax, let's go. Exams are over." A girl I have never seen before pulled me by the arm and linked her arms with mine.

" I was saying before.." the girl started chatting. Her words weren't processing in my mind.

I only stared at her. Not knowing what to do or what to say.

A really pretty girl.. who somehow knows me?

We passed by a hallway of some kind. On the left side of the hallway there's a huge mirror.

I stopped dead on my tracks as I also took in my appearance.

.. I'm wearing a highschool uniform.

A white blouse with blue vest and the navy blue skirt falling just above my knees.

".. I'm a freshman in college already, what the fuck?" I hissed under my breath. I grabbed my skirt, as if checking if its real.

"Hey, are you okay?" the unknown girl took a peek at my face, she seems worried.

I opened my mouth to say something but I don't even know what I want to say.

I'm already in college, why am I wearing a uniform?

I was laying in bed just moments ago.

Where am I? Who are you? What's happening?

As if I could say all that.

I tried keeping calm. The girl looks harmless and she knows my name.

So, I guess.. I should try asking her name?

"Uhh.. er, who are--"

I was interrupted when a voice behind us cut me off.

"Ah, there you are," a middle aged woman approached us,"Miss Valencerina and Miss Ferrer, I know the exams are done but I hope you can help me with the checking of the exam papers."

"What?" I inaudibly gasped.

Valencerina? Yep, that's my name.

But Ferrer.. there's only one place where I have heard that name.

And if I try, at least try to come up with an explanation, maybe this is it.

I placed my hands on top of the shoulders of the not-so-unknown anymore girl, scanning her up and down.

Let's see what I can remember from that book.

"..Jax, you're being weird" she warily says, squirming from my hold.

Fuck. I can't remember shit. Did they even mention how she looked?

I let go as the teacher started asking questions."What's going on? Are you two having a fight?"

"No, ma'am. Jax was just feeling.. a little weird." Unknown girl gave me a side look as she answered.

"You better not be. If you really are a student of St. Augustine Academy, you'd know how to settle an argument like ladies," with one final look she walked back to the direction she came.

..the prestigious school, 'St. Augustine'!.. Miss Top 2.. Ferrer.. Amelia 'Mia' Ferrer..

My head starts to pound as words from the book, The Series of You and Me, came flooding into my mind.

"..Mia?" I said under my breath. Still in-denial of whatever's happening.

"Yeah? I'm here. Are you okay? Does your head hurt?" She went to my side, tried to support me by the arms.

This isn't possible.. what the actual fuck.

I started catching my breath.

"Jackie?" I hear Mia's voice but it sounds so far away, "... Jax!..Help!.. fell down!"

I blacked out.

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