Kunimi// Im tired

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You both were tired. Mentally and physically

You were a cousin of Oikawa and everyone knew.

Getting compared wasn't help either

"Ahh Y/n." Your cousin would yelp as he was being chased by his best friend. You would laugh off. You used too.

You have become more tired in classes or just at home.

You felt sick.

Kunimi noticed that you were being a bit dull. Your cheerful personality already gave him enough energy for the day.

But that slowly drained and you became a emotionless tired bean.

It was exhausting to be compared to your cousin. You had know clue why you wanted to live to the expectations of him.

You were at your cousins practice studying instead of watching like you used to. You were still a first year with good enough grades to meet expectations.

"Oi Y/n!" A voice would call. But you felt to irked to respond, just a lift of your head could make you dizzy.

The guys would call out your name and you wouldn't respond.

So they gave up.

But one didn't. He tried to make small talk but eventually leaving you at peace. Sometimes you wonder why it hurts for him to not talk to you

That boy was Kunimi, a tired observant boy. He understands you want to just sleep and be alone.

So one day after class the teacher told you both to clean that class. You just wanted to sleep.

He knew that too.

"L/n you can rest." He said while getting a rag. You shook your head. You felt the expectation of cleaning was a big deal so you grabbed a rag as well.

"I'm fine." You say. He looked at you as you cleaned the desks. He knew you lied.


You were studying, trying not to fall asleep in class again. You had clean up duty again with Kunimi.

Then a hand shoved your face into your book. You made a small yelping noise as your head started to feel a wave of pain.

"Some nerd. Oikawa would never." A girl said. You couldn't lift your head up even after she left.

You couldn't take it anymore. The room was quite and you couldn't hear anyone.

So you took a sharp inhale. And your eyes started to water. You lifted up your head the tears falling onto the book pages.

You just wanted to go home. But you thought you had to study more, to succeed.

"Hey L/n sorry I had to-" A voice said. You wiped your eyes in a swift motion.

"Are you ok?" It was Kunimi. He had a broom in hand but placed it near the wall.

He made his way to you. You tried to hold in your tears but made a gasping sound as you breathed.

"Hey hey don't hold it." He said. The sat next to you and wiped the tears.

"I can't do this anymore." You says sobbing. He raised a brow.


"BE COMPARED" you say accidentally raising your voice. You felt like sobbing some more until you get a hug.

"Kunimi?" You asked hiccuping. Kunimi gave a hug trying to calm you down.

"It just I feel like I'm not enough sometimes and I got to live to everyone's expectations because Tooru is so amazing-" You could go on and on about your problems. Kunimi would not let that happen.

"Stop comparing yourself to him." He snapped. It made you shut up immediately. He let go of you and looked you in the eyes.

"You are such an amazing person, and you work so hard and I- I think you should credit yourself." He said. He huffed a large amount of air and continued.

"L/n you should be you and not in his shadow. That's why I like you. Because you are you. So please please don't change yourself. You have been dragging yourself and it hurts me to much to see you so miserable." He said. He had a frown on his face.

You gave him another hug and wiped your tears.

"I'm just so tired Kunimi. I-I" You couldn't say anything. He gave you a peck on the lips making you shut up.

"I love you." The words came out of his mouth and made heat rise to your face.

"No- no- you don't. You would never love anyone-"

"But I do. I have been for some time." He said. Tears welled up in your eyes again.

"I-I love you too." You said kissing him again.


You both dated for a few weeks after that. He tried to make you less tired by cuddling with you.

You recharged each other's batteries. He slept over at your house but one day he forgot his jacket.

"Kunimi such energy today." Oikawa mocked as Kunimi rolled his eyes.

"Yeah what's up with that?" Iwazumi said nudging him. Kunimi just shrugged and took a sip of water.

While you walked to the gym you had his jacket in hand. You walked there a bit quicker than expected and looked through the door way.

"Ah Y/n are you watching us?" Your cousin said. You shook your head and saw your boyfriend.

"You forgot your jacket stupid." You say with a small smile. He rolled his eyes once more and accepted the jacket.

You gave a peck on the cheek and ran out like your life depended on it.


"KUNIMI!!!" Oikawa yelled. Kunimi still had a blank face.


"But I love her." That's all he said to shut him off.


"And she loves me."

"Oof Oikawa. Back at again with the parenting." Matsun said while laughing. Oikawa.exe stopped working.

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