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You were the new manager of the Nekoma high schools volleyball team.

You thought since it's your last year you would do something for the team because they haven't had a female manager.

You had eyes for the amazing captain. You thought it was hot when he dives for the ball.

Well you would tell your friend that over the phone when you babysit your five year old brother.

But one day your mom said that day care wasn't open and you had to take care of him after school.

Well you didn't mind but the team had practice. Coach Nekomata said it was ok to bring your brother so he can have the experience.

"Thank you coach." You said with a bow. He smiled and gave a fist bump to you brother.

Your brother smiled and looked around the court.

"Wow~it huge!" He said with glee. You smiled at him and got your clip board out.

"Ok Sora please behave." You said a bit stern. You brother nods and holds your hand as you walked to a bench.

The team hasn't arrived yet and it a bit too early so you filled waters and got out towels. Yamamoto did say you were amazing since you so much stuff.

But you don't mind, since it was the least you could do. Sora was off doing his own thing.

He ran around the gym waiting for the awesome players to be on the court. He heard about the team when you were talking to your friend when they hang out at your house or on the phone.

He went up to you as you filed some paperwork for a practice match coming up.

"Y-y/n where is the team?" He asked sweetly.

You were about to say soon until footsteps rang into the gym.

"Evening L/n." Lev said. Sora was amazed with the tall bean.

"W-woah." He mumbled. Lev looked down to see the h/c child.

"Y/N IS THIS YOUR BROTHER!" He said happily. Lev always liked small children because he was the youngest in his family.

"Uhm yea." You said embarrassed. Sora ran around Levs legs but then saw Yaku.

Boy he sprinted and latched onto Yakus leg so quick.

"Are you Yaku?" The boy asked. Yaku was shocked that a 5 year old would know his name.

"Uhm yeah uh L/n." He called you over. You ran to get Sora for him to disappear.

You were looking for him until you saw him with a certain middle blocker. You had a slight blush on your face when you saw him.

"Oh L/n! Who is this cute little guy?" He asked as Sora gave him a high five.

"Oh that's my brother." Your brother proceeds to do a cute little face and hold up five chubby little fingers.

"I'm Sora and I'm- Im Uh five." He said as the middle blocker laughed. Sora then looked at Kuroo weirdly.

"What's wrong kid?" Kuroo said as he rubbed the kids head.

"Are y-you Kwoo?" Sora asked curiously. Kuroo looked at him with a small smile.

"Oh yeah dude. You heard of me?" He asked. You were a blushy mess from the literal air.

"Kwoo... your so cool!" The words coming from Sora made Kuroos self confidence go up.

"Sora don't let him be to big headed!" Yaku yelled from across the gym.

The guys practiced while Sora watched. He liked volleyball and always said he would be a captain.

Well that's his dream of course. That's kinda why he like Kuroo a lot more. But on the plus side you always talked about him in front of your brother.

The boys had a break and you asked Kuroo to watch him since he was his favorite. You had to run to the schools front office to retrieve paper work for Coach Nekomata.

"Take care of Sora Kuroo~" you said you ran out the door.

Kuroo was now left with a child four feet shorter than him. Small talk wouldn't hurt right.

"So how was school?" A simple question was asked.

"Don't like it." Sora said plainly.

"Same here kid." Kenma said while lying down. Kuroo had a crush on you. For a whopping 3 years but pushed it aside saying it was nothing.

But it really started to show when you became manager.

"Are you single Kwoo?" Sora asked making the captains face warm in embarrassment. The question was out of the blue.

"Yes actually why Soso?" He said with the nickname he just made up.

"Ya know Y/n is what her friend call single." He said like he had a secret. That made Kuroos face feel all warm.

"Oh really?" The captain was indeed intrigued with the info of you. He finally knew he had a shot.

"Yeah she said she had a crush on you since she first met you." Then Kuroo had a thought of when you guys first met.

"3 YEARS!" He said loud enough for only him and the kid to hear.

The child ate the candy Inouka and Fukunaga gave him with a smile.

"Huh? Oh Y/N!" Sora yelled as he saw you back with a hand full of papers.

"Hey Sora!" You said as you gave the paper works to the coach.

You ran over to Sora who was having fun with your crush.

"Do you need anything? Water.." You mumbled on to your baby brother. He had a dopey grin and pointed at the black haired middle blocker.

"Kwoo is single like you!" He said as the whole gym heard. Your eyes widened and tried to explain to the child of why that wasn't a good thing to say in front of everyone until you get cut off.

"Um L/n I-I like you. And can I do the honor of not making you single anymore?" Kuroo said while looking you in the eye.

Your breathing hitched as you squealed internally.

"Yes- I-I - of course. I liked you for so long like-"

"Three years." You both say at the same time. You both had smiled as he scratched the back of his neck.

"So will you go out with me?" He asked.


"Y/n so does that mean you don't like Kwoo anymore?" Sora asked with tears in his eyes. You wiped them as you and Kuroo looked at him.

"I don't just like him Sora."

"I love him."


"Thanks child." I mumbled as I gave him a thumbs up as he and L/n went out of the gym to go home.

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