Chapter Seven

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I walked out towards the floating Soren. He looked like he was lost in his own thoughts. I sat down on the edge of the dock.

"And here I thought the lake was my favourite spot to be alone," I stated.

"I thought I'd borrow it for a while," Soren told me, "I didn't think you'd mind. You weren't here, so I didn't think I needed your permission."

"You didn't and I don't mind," I assured him.

Soren was silent. He still had that faraway look in his eyes.

"What's wrong, Soren?" I asked, "Calix told me what happened. Is it about Eris? Was it something she said?"

"No," Soren replied, "I mean, she was pretty cruel when I ran into her, but that's not it."

"Then what's bothering you?" I asked.

"It's my foresight," Soren replied, "I keep seeing a future where the human world has been reduced to ashes. And Eris is standing there laughing as she walks through the destruction she caused."

"You know that won't happen," I assured him.

"The hell I don't!" Soren growled, "I'm blind to the future, Arrow! I can't tell what the true future is anymore thanks to the curse. I don't know which of my visions is the possible future and which are created from my fears. I can't tell them apart anymore!"

"Soren, take a deep breath," I told him. He did as he was told. "I understand your fears, Soren, I do. But you have to understand that this particular vision will not come true."

"How do you know?" he asked.

"Because I know that the four of us and the four from the prophecy will do everything we can to stop Eris," I told him.

"But what if it's not enough?" Soren asked.

"Soren, you know that Apollo wouldn't give us a faulty prophecy," I told him.

Apollo was always right when it came to prophecies. Granted I was certain that he was wrong about my soulmate, but that wasn't important right now.

"I know," Soren sighed, "But that doesn't make me feel any better."

I laid back on the dock and looked up at the night sky. The stars twinkled in the darkness, trying to entertain the two of us.

"How do you feel?" Soren asked.

"You're the one floating in the lake trying to get a grip and you're asking me how I feel?" I asked.

"Well you're the one with a supposed soulmate appearing soon," Soren noted.

I sighed.

"I don't get it, if she exists then why did it take her this long to show up? You needed her years ago," Soren stated, "And if she doesn't exist, then how are you going to break the curse?"

"I don't know," I replied. I heard some splashing and soon Soren was laying near me on the dock. He looked lost.

"Did Mother come and see you?" I asked.

"Briefly," he replied, "She offered me reassurance and comfort, along with reiterating that my soulmate exists. And part of me is starting to think that maybe...just maybe...she's right."

My eyes widened.

"You can't be serious, Soren!" I told him, "Do you truly believe that?"

"I don't know," Soren replied, "And I won't know for sure until your soulmate is revealed on the night of full moon. If she isn't revealed then I'll know that there's no hope for me. But if she does appear then maybe...just maybe there's hope for me too. It could mean that my pain isn't eternal."

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