Chapter Nine

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We rolled to a stop in front of a mansion. The valets opened the car doors for us and we got out. Arrow and Soren passed two of the valets their car keys and the six of us went inside.

We made our way to the ballroom, which was a massive room with a crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling. There was a cellist, violinist, flutist, harpist, and pianist playing beautiful music and numerous couples were whirling around the dance floor.

A woman appeared in front of us. Her long platinum blonde hair was done up in an intricate bun and her baby blue eyes sparkled as she looked at Arrow.

"Arrow," she greeted him as she threw her arms around him. I felt something shift within me and couldn't help but feel a bit angry that this woman was all over Arrow. But why was I so angry about it? "You're finally here," she stated.

"Yes, Aphrodite, I'm here," Arrow sighed.

So this was Aphrodite. The Goddess of Love and Beauty. I had to admit that she was extremely beautiful.

"Aphrodite, this is Clarissa, daughter of Melinoe," Arrow told the Goddess. Aphrodite glanced at me and gave me a quick once over.

"I'm pleased to meet you My Lady," I greeted her respectfully, remembering how Nemesis said that all the Olympian Goddesses were addressed as my Lady.

"So respectful," Aphrodite mused, "and quite beautiful as well. But there's something else there...a yearning for someone you think you cannot have. Hmm."

My eyes widened. Of course she'd be able to sense my conflicting feelings about Arrow. She was the Goddess of Love and Beauty! Although I had to admit that she was right. I had fallen for Arrow and I admitted that to myself, but I couldn't have him because he was most likely destined for someone else.

"No need to explain, my dear," Aphrodite assured me, "I can sense that somehow, things will work out for you."

I nodded. Her words gave me some hope, but they didn't tell me what I wanted to know. Did Arrow feel the same way about me? Had he fallen for me as I had for him?

I felt like asking her what she meant by that, but I was too nervous to do so in front of Arrow and his siblings.

"Well go ahead and mingle Arrow," Aphrodite told him, "Apollo tells me that your soulmate will be revealed at midnight. Enjoy the party."

Aphrodite left us alone and Arrow sighed.

"Oh wonderful," Nemesis said sarcastically.

"What?" Calix asked, "What is it?"

"Iris is coming this way," Nemesis stated.

Iris, the Goddess of Rainbows and Hera's messenger.

"I swear Arrow, if she's your soulmate, I'm never speaking to you again," Nemesis vowed. Arrow rolled his eyes.

Iris reached us and smiled at Arrow.

"Arrow, would you like to dance?" she asked.

"Sure," Arrow replied, trying to be courteous.

He and Iris went out to the dance floor and began to whirl around, while Ryder, Calix, and Soren began to mingle with the other guests. Nemesis stayed with me.

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