chapter 5

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Here's chapter 5! Enjoy!

Sorry if there is any mistakes


"Is everyone ready for training!" Hanji shouted, getting excited for what lied ahead for the scouts

"Hai!" everyone shouted towards the woman with glasses, then a mysterious dark shadow came up right behind her shoulder

"Oh, its nice of you to join us captain Levi" she said

"Shut up and let's begin already" he snapped back at her. He was a quite serious about the situation

He then drawed his attention towards the scouts to search for her. It wasn't difficult to find the petite girl since she had orange hair that stood out from the rest and soon he spotted his lover

"Ok everyone let's go strap on our 3d maneuver gear shall we" Miss Zoe said as she guided them to the supply room to get ready

The scouts who attended that morning walked over to the supply room. Petra purposely walked in an unhurried way, letting everybody pass her so she could fall behind them because she wanted meet up with Levi

Petra's POV

When I was way in back that nobody could notice me, I saw Levi amble to where I was. I couldn't restrain my gaze from his piercing deep blue eyes, they were so attention grabbing and for some reason it turned me on. 'Is that weird?' who cares, I knew I had strong passionate desire towards the guy, it was beyond than what I've ever felt for any human being before, even I wasn't this crazy for Auruo

As I took giant steps before getting Levi, suddenly Auruo popped up in my face

"What are you doing Petra? The supply room is over her" he put his arm around me and dragged me to the building

"Damn Auruo" I silently thought to myself on the inside but I smiled on the outside

End of Petra's POV

When everyone was getting changed into their equipment. Petra and Auruo were having a little trouble adjusting their gear

"Man how the hell do you do this chizz" the older looking guy said as he tried to twist it onto himself

"I don't know, this is very confusing" Petra grunted, pulling it upwards her perfectly thin shaped hips

"Don't worry, Hanji's here to help" she came creeping up to Auruo.

"Ok Auruo for this to work, you're going to have to suck it in alright" she pointed out to him as she got a hold of his straps and yanked it upwardly, leaving him breathless

"Hanji zoe, I ca--n't breath" he said, trying to gasp for air then bit his tongue afterwards

*Levi walks into the room*

"Well as you work on that chap Hanji, I'll help Petra over here" Levi told four eyes

He tugged on her straps and fixed the back of her pants/belt which required to touch her bottom. When she felt his hands on her butt, her cheeks flushed in exhilaration

"There, all done now" he said then walked out of there

Petra followed him out, while Auruo seemed to be distracted by Hanji

"Levi? Where did you go?"she called out, hoping there would be a response. Then she heard a sudden thump behind one of the buildings

She headed towards the source of the noises and peeked out of the corner. She could believe her eyes

Leisurely, Levi was putting on his gear. Everything fit so well on his toned body and a stream of sunlight flowed in, making him look irresistible.

Petra's jaw dropped wide open with her hot pink cheeks. And since she was leaning too hard against the wall, she slipped off and onto the ground where Levi saw her.

"I knew you'd be looking" he confronted, starring down at her

"Me?! I-I wasn't looking!" she tried to deny to him and picked herself up from the ground

"Petra I know you can't resist me, I can see it in your eyes" it took just 3 steps to come over to her

He pinned Petra against the wall with his firm grip on her wrist and gave her a vigorous kiss on her light pink, soft looking lips and couldn't help but to stick out his tongue between their lips during there smooch, he wanted to taste her desire for him, and he did when Petra didn't protest but instead she did same to get the mood going. With their tongues attached, there was not way to get them loose anytime soon, until they needed to gasp for air then levi aimed for her exposed neck

He began to trail up and down her neck feverishly with his kissed and lifted his hand up her shirt, feeling her body. Petra took a deep sigh of pleasure as she leaned against, letting levi take control until abruptly....a familiar voice called out for Petra

"Petra! Petra!" Auruo hollered out for her

"Damn" she cursed, she didn't want to stop this special moment with Levi

"Hey Petra" he spoke out, separating his lips from her neck

"Yes? What is it corporal?"

"Why don't you meet me in my room tonight?" he suggested, giving her his natural stare

"I-I don't know if should be doing this though, its not fair to Auruo" she claimed, putting him into consideration

"No pressure, just think about alright. I'll be waiting" his voice trailed as he walked off, giving her one last glance then left

Petra quickly tucked her shirt back in from where levi had lifted it and fixed her hair so it looked normal then went to go find Auruo

She searched for him all around but still couldn't find him, until she heard his voice and a giggling girl. Petra took cover behind one of the buildings and poked her head out.

There, she saw Auruo placing his hand on the wall and flirting with some other girl, making her excessively laugh

"Maybe meeting up with Levi tonight wouldn't be so bad" Petra murmured to herself


What do you guys think so far?

Will be updated next Saturday

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