7. The pressure

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Zayn pov
I could've kissed her I had the chance fuck I headed downstairs where liam and Sophia were eating I grabbed a plate and started eating

"Someone had fun with gomez lastnight" smirked liam I laughed "no.... I wish" sophia laughed "you'll get you're chance I saw the way she kept looking at you I bet that you'd have her in you're arms by Friday" said sophia I smiled thinking about that but then me having to marry perrie my smile disappeared. I got up and put my plate in the sink I went to my phone I had 20 missed calls from perrie I decided to text her.

I was at Liam's so relax I'll be home in an hour.

I grabbed my keys and said bye to liam and Sophia and drove off thinking of selena what is she doing? Should I text her? Should I call her? Come on man just text her. I was waiting at the light

Hey :) it's zayn

I pressed send and the light turned green I kept looking at my phone hoping she'd text back quick after every minute that passed I felt like she was losing interest

I parked the car in the driving I should've put a sweater cause it's already cold in London and always raining of course.

I walked in to see perrie and the rest of little mix talking about wedding dresses I should've stayed at Liam's honestly

"Hello zayny" said perrie and the rest said hello in a unison " uh hi ladies" perrie grabbed me "which dress do you like? The Versace or the Vera wang one?" I looked at both I really don't want to go thru with this " uh I don't know you pick" she pouted " but zayn help me" I started getting annoyed " you do realize this is a contract I could give two fucks which dress you pick" the girls stared at me I didn't care " excuse you" said Leigh-Ann "you heard me im doing this so you guys could become more popular" they all gasped I walked upstairs into my room and took a shower I needed it but I needed selena more.

30 minutes later I got out put some sweats and a t- shirt perrie was in my room

"Why you gotta be such an asshole zayn" I walked pass her she grabbed me " you know why cause you happy that we're getting faked married when you don't know shit about me at all and we've never fucked at all so please get out of my room cause I've had enough of this shit." She crossed her arms " you're right" she walked out the room and I fell asleep.

Selena pov
I woke up that dream with zayn was beautiful we were walking hand in hand we were happy I felt happy but why am I thinking and having dreams with him maybe I'm starting to like him I mean I always have he's been my crush since Justin and I been dating only two people know that which are taylor & Ashley. I grabbed my phone and saw zayn texted me and so did Justin I deleted his message and replied to zayn

Hello sorry I replied so late I just woke up from the best nap ever hope you aren't mad at me ☺️

Within seconds he replied

Zayn 🙈

It's alright love and hell yeah I am 😤

I giggled at the text

How can I fix that?

Zayn 🙈
Mmm I don't know maybe me going over and us watching a movie, cuddling or kissing 😏 up to you

I blushed at the last too choices

All options seem fine come tonight then?

Zayn 🙈
Can't wait 💋🙈

Me neither 😍

Zayn 🙈
Laters baby ( AN:yes as you can see I read 50 shades of grey and I decided to say this so let me be)

I giggled once again he's such a flirt

Later that night

I took a shower put on black joggers with a tank top and some vans and let my hair down with no make up on the phone rang

"Hello ms gomez there is a guest by the name of zayn malik would you like him to come up?"

"Ah yes please thank you very much" my stomach had butterflies then 5 minutes later I heard a knock on the door I opened it and here he was the most gorgeous guy I've seen right in front of me

"Hello love" he pecked my lips God he smelled so good " hello zayn glad you could make it" I closed the door behind me " cool hotel room you have " I smiled " thanks I try" he put his bag down and I sat on the couch he sat next to me " so there's pizza in the kitchen if you'd like" he smiled " I'm okay I already ate" "oh okay well same here" he chuckled "question" "sure what is it zayn?" He looked nervous then he spoke would you like to try weed? " (AN: don't scream at me okay I just decided to put this ) I looked at him the last time I smoke was on the set of spring breakers and I kinda liked it I felt good.

" um sure" I smiled he got his bag in the front pocket he had the Dutch paper and then took out a ziplock bag where he had the weed at he slowly began rolling the blunt while I stared at him with amazement he lit it up and took one hit then passed it to me it burned my lungs but it felt nice I took another " woah love you going to get really high take it slow" I smiled handing the blunt to him " sorry I just need to be at ease" he took a hit then let the smoke out he looked hotter than ever " I feel you same here I never thought I'd be smoking with you" I exhaled the smoke " well believe it. After a few more puffs it finished and we went to my room and laid in bed talking about life I cried a few times in front of him and so did he.

I looked over at him " zayn?" "Hm?" I took a deep breath " kiss me" he turned to look at me he grabbed my face and looked at me in the eyes and he planted his lips on mine his lips tasted how I imagined the kiss was so passionate I didn't want to stop but he broke away "okay time to go to sleep" he said laughing I frowned " but I'm horny wait did I just say that out loud?" He laughed even louder " yes you did next time right now I want to cuddle and fall asleep holding you tight " I blushed he kissed me again and I turned and he held me for once I felt safe.

Awww but I know I'm going to have people say that's fucked up but I wanted to put that in sorry for having an imagination im not saying they both have or accused them of but I had an experience similar to that part so please no hate

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