Part 1

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Mark's POV
"And I will see you,  in the next video.. Buh Bye~"
I turned of my camera and started downloading the video,  preparing it for editing. I got up from my chair and went to the bathroom. As I reached the door I heard my front door open.
"Hello? Jack?" Jack had been staying over for about a week,  so I figured he was back from the store.. After getting no response I grabbed my phone, walked towards the kitchen and looked around the corner. I didn't see anyone but I knew I wasn't alone. I crept into the kitchen and sat down. I didn't do anything, just... Sat there. I took a deep breath and called out again.
"Hello? If you aren't my roomate... show yourself already!" I heard the floor board creak and I jumped out of my chair, turning around to the source of the noise. I see a dark hooded figure. They start to approch me.
"Get the hell away from me. Who are you!?" They ignored me. Next thing I knew they lunged at me,  and everything went dark.

A/N Hi! This is my first story! If you like please vote and leave suggestions in the comments... Buh-Bye!

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