part 27

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Wade's POV
After everyone finished eating, the nice Waitress gave us the check and I said bye to Bob.
"Hey, I'm going to hang out with Jack and Mark.. Okay?" He nodded and his way to our car.
"See in the room!" He smile and waved me off. I got in the car with Jack and Mark. I sat in the back and them in the front.. They were talking about something but I was only able to catch some of their words.
"How are..... Wade..... Scared?" All I could from Jack.
"At PAX... He..... Bob..... Hate me. I....... That." I saw Jack nod so I guess he understood... Jack turns around and smirks at me.
"Wade! We're almost there!!" I smile and nod calmly. Maybe they didn't want me over for a game night... Maybe it was something bad. Maybe.. Calm down Wade..
When we get there I got out of the car and followed them to their room. They sat on the bed and I sat across from them. I see Jack grab Mark's hand to calm him down..
"Wade.. We need you to be calm, and not freak out." Mark's voice calmed me down a little bit. But not a lot.
"Mark, Jack.. If your getting married just tell me" I let out a small chuckle. They laughed a little but then they frowned.
"Wade.. You know about Vampires, right?" That was such a weird question..
"Yeah.. I do.." I saw Mark turn around and sigh.
"Wade.. Mark's a Vampire." He seemed serious. I let out a small laugh.
"Y-your joking.." He shook his head and frowned.
"M-mark.. Show him.." Mark turned around and he.. Had.. Fangs? And red eyes and.. I was lost.
"What.. What the hell!? Mark.. What kind of sick fucking joke is this!?" I could see Mark start to cry.
"Wade... I wish it was a joke.." He hides his eyes but leaves his fangs. I start to try and back up but Jack grabs my shoulders.
"Wade. Your safe." He gives me a quick hug and a warm smile.
"P-please explain.."
They told me what had happened.. And what they know.
"Jack.. Are you a.." He cut me off my waving his hands and speaking.
"No, I'm not Wade.. He's bitten me, but it wasn't to turn me.." I sigh and start to laugh.
"Wade.. What's so funny?" I saw Mark wipe his eyes and stare at me. I let out a whisper.
"My best friend is a Vampire." His eyes widen and he chuckles too.
"Yeah.. He is." Next thing I knew he was right behind me. I flinched as he put his arms around my neck in a hug like fashion.
"Thank you Wade.." I could hear in his voice that he was relieved.
"For what? You told me a secret  and me being your friend, I'll keep it!" He and Jack both give me a proper hug. Mark had started crying again.
"J-jack.. Can me and Wade talk?" I saw Jack nod and leave the room.
"Wade... There's something else.."
This can't be good....

Vampire Markiplier: A Septiplier StoryWhere stories live. Discover now