Pt 32

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Jack's POV
I start getting drinks and stuff into a small cooler for when we get to the panel. I cautiously put two bags of blood in the cooler. I put the Cooler into Mark's Van and locked the Van.. I went back to the hotel room and saw Mark, Tyler, Ethan and Wade on the couch talking. I only heard a little.
"He isn't ready..."
"The number hasn't gone up has it?"
"Fuck.. Wade No. It hasn't and It won't. Can we stop talking about this please.."
I slowly open the door and give them a big smile.
"Top'a the Mornin' to ye Laddies!" They laugh and I sit on Mark's lap.
"What're ye talking about?" I feel Mark shift uncomfortably. Wade smirks.
"How Mark wants to Marry you!" I see Mark's face flush red.
"I... I need to go to the bathroom sorry.. Jackie.. Can you move?"
"Awww but your lap is comfy!" I wiggle my hips a little and he groans.
"Jaaack I need to peee!" I giggle and roll onto Ethan.
"Hiya!" Mark gets up and I steal his seat. Ethan chuckles and Tyler gives him a silly Hurt look. I pull my knees to my chest and and sigh.
"Ethan... Can you help me with something.." He gave me a confused look. I learned close to his ear and whispered.
"I want to propose to Mark at PAX today.." Ethan let's a small gasp.
"I wanted to do the same with mine!" Tyler and Wade were both very confused. I let out a small laugh. You two okay if me and Ethan talk for a few?" Tyler slowly nodded and as we left the room I heard Wade laughing.
"So, you want to propose to Tyler today?" He nods quickly. I smile. Last PAX Wade proposed to his now wife.
"Okay. here's the plan."
Wade's POV
Jack and Ethan left the room. I saw that Tyler was a little concerned. I let out a small chuckled and put a hand on his knee.
"If it makes you feel better.. Jack isn't doing anything with Ethan.. They're probably talking about you and Mark... Like the teenage Girls that they are."
Tyler let out a laugh and I saw him relax.
"Yeah.. I'm just nervous for Mark... He knew about me and Eth.. But for him to be turned is something else. I just hope he can control himself.." It was understandable for Tyler to be worried.. I was worried too. I heard a small groan come from the room Ethan and Jack were in. Tyler gave me a look and walked up to the door listening. His face got red as he sat back down.
"Wade I.. I think you were right.." I chuckled and looked him in his eyes.
"What makes you say that?" He joins the laughing and inbetween breathes talks.
"He said... He thinks my... My hair is fluffy like a Unicorn..and Jack said... That Mark practically was a unicorn" we both start laughing. then the boys come back as we were calming down. They give us a disappointed look and go back to the bedroom.

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