PT 10

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Jacks POV
"Merk.. Please.. I need to talk to you!" I pound my fist on the door and walk away. I sit on the couch and start to cry. I cry for what seems like hours. After I was done I went back to Mark's door.
"Merk.. I want to talk to you.. Please. I'm not scared, okay? Look.. I'll talk to Fe.. I can't garentee anything.. But I'll try.." I walk away to the couch and pull out my phone.
F: A vampire Jack!? A fucking Vamp!? You know what I do. You had better give me one good reason to not stake him.
J: Felix please! He didn't want this.. But he can't die... Please I need him..
F: Jack do you like Mark?
J: of course he's my best friend!
F: No.. Do you have a crush on Mark?
J: Well...
F: Seán.
J:Fine I do! Happy?
I tossed my phone to the side and saw that Mark had left his phone on the couch. I shouldn't look.. But.. I grab his phone and look at his messages.
*A is Amy! T is Tyler!*
M: Amy.. He hates me.
A: Mark that's impossible! Just tell him!
M: Amy, he probably isn't even like me.. What if he thinks I'm weird?
A: Mark Edward Fishbach. He won't hate you! He probably feels the same way.. He's just as scared as you are..
M: Okay.. Thanks Amy..
Wow.. Mark likes a guy? Man.. I wish I knew before.. I could've confessed and we could've been happy... What else can I see?
M: Tyler... What do you think of Vampires?
T: Why?
M: please.. Just answer
T: I guess as long as they're independent they're fine..
M: would you hate me if I was a vamp?
T: Mark.. We're you turned!?
M: Yes, no.. I'm not sure! I'm a vampire Ty..
T: Stay. Away. From. Felix.
M: What! Why?
T: he's a hunter Mark! He'll stake you without a second thought!
M: okay.. I have to go..
T: Stay safe..
M: I will.. Tell Ethan I said hi..
Tyler knows.. Mark.. Is a vampire. A bloodsucker. A monster. I want to hate him.. But... All I can see is the man with gorgeous chocolate eyes, soft brown hair, strong muscles and- stop thinking like that. He likes someone else... I stand up and go to the bathroom. As I splash water on my face I see Mark behind me in the Mirror. I jump up and turn around.
"H-Hey Merk!" I sheepishly grin at him.
"Hey Seán.. Are you okay?" God his voice.. I can't be scared of him with that voice..
"Seán?" I snap out of my daydreaming and look at him.
"I'm fine Merk.. Jumped me.. That's all. " He smiles at me, not a normal smile.. But a smile that says he's up to something.
"Merk what are you doing?" He steps closer to me and stares into my eyes. I feel a blush creep across my face. I take a breath and the next thing I know he pushes his lips against mine. We stay there, connected at the mouth, for about 3 minutes before we break for a breath.
"Merk.. What was that? " He looked at me and I saw a tear forming. He ran out of the bathroom and runs into his room.

Vampire Markiplier: A Septiplier StoryWhere stories live. Discover now