Unsolved mystery

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After discovering a rumour circulating around the brothers ever since dinner at Universal's, there have been even more unrest when it came to visiting Anaheim's Disneyland and Disney California Adventures and the city's towering skyscrapers. Tired from all the commotion, the Prince have gathered his intelligence to investigate this rising issue in San Diego a few days later. There are a few question bugging the siblings' minds.

Do they really have relatives living on the American soil?

If they do, why is their family hiding secrets from them?

It is after all just a rumour, right?

P. Utential: *Walked heavily deep in thought* Why would mom and dad not tell us about any family issue? There must be some reason, right?

GCS. Hypnoboulder: Bro, relax! We will find out the truth soon enough...

P. Utential: *Went mad* *Grabbed his brother's shoulders and shook him vigorously* You think I can relax? This issue is crushing me like hell!

GCS. Hypnoboulder: Then why not just speak to Dad?

P. Utential: No! It must be some kind of problem they do not want us to know... He would probably not tell us anything if we ask him...

GCS. Hypnoboulder: Argh! Stop shaking me! There is no problem in asking him...

P. Utential: *Ignored him and spoke into his watch* Guys, found anything?

Solar (Hologram): Sorry bro. Thorn wanted to see the pandas. I had to accompany him especially in a crowded place... Probably I will try to keep a lookout. *Hung up*

Quake (Hologram): Can I stop doing this? *Lowered down his voice as Amato was busy taking pictures of Mom with the koalas* Following Dad and Mom just makes me feel uncomfortable...

GCS. Hypnoboulder: Sorry Quake! You know you play a vital role in forking clues out of Mom and Dads' mouths. By the way, you still have the company of Rol and Cav...*Terminated Quake's call*

P. Utential: Base to Clone, Base to Clone. Cyclone, mission report!

Cyclone (Hologram): Um... Thundy don't really like this idea of stalking Granduncle... He says it is a sin to suspect your own relative...

P. Utential: You think I care bout' that? This situation calls for these measures. We need answers! *Hung his call*

Blaze (Hologram): Why must we even do this? We can just use the force to get our answers! Watch this! *Walked up to a security guard and tried to play the Jedi Mind Trick on him* Follow my words thy mind will do!

Ice (Hologram): *Face palmed* It is alright. I will take charge of his behaviours. Don't worry, we will not disappoint you! May the force be with you sir!

P. Utential: May the force be with you too... *Terminated the call* So stressed... What nonsence are they sprouting right now?

GCS. Hypnoboulder: By the way... I think Blaze's idea is quite good actually... I can talk to them while mind controlling them!

P. Utential: If you mind control them, it could hurt them mentally!

GCS Hypnoboulder: Oh really? I am the one who wields this power!

P. Utential: Well, I am the one who created and bestowed this power on you. Obviously I know how your power works! You remember the notorious prefect?

GCS Hypnoboulder: *Nodded*

P. Utential: He now resides in a mental hospital and causes the doctors and nurses there a mountain of trouble by dancing like a retard! It is not only that! His regular activities include smashing his plate on his face, kissing the ground and eating his mucus! You want Dad and Mom to become retards too?!

GCS Hypnoboulder: *Burst out laughing* Sorry, I could help it... What about the principal? Is she in a mental hospital too?

P. Utential: No. She was still working in school. She would curse at the teachers for absolutely no reason at all whenever she passed them. She caned students for getting an 'A' in their examinations and taught the young ones how to swear, rewarding them when they cursed at their parents. Her morning talks is all about her sprouting various profanities, even those of her creation. The worse part is that she allowed the sale of wine in the canteen and punished those who did not drink them...

GCS Hypnoboulder: *Rolled on his stomach laughing uncontrollably* Shit!!! Luckily we graduated from elementary school already...

P. Utential: Just recently, just outside of school, in front of hordes of parents and students, she grew berserk and stripped herself before dancing obscenely. When a speeding truck arrived, she hauled herself at it and got flung into an open window of a nearby house. Sadly, she did not make it. Witnesses said that they heard screams and evil laughter... Should I even be saying this?

GCS Hypnoboulder: *Leaning on P. Utential while guffawing away* Please tell me more!!

P. Utential: *Sighed and pulled his brother away* Enough! Focus on the mission at hand! Or else, I will feed you to the tigers!

(Mission status: Uncompleted) Over and out...

Ice: *Pulled Blaze from the security guard* Sorry sir. He is a retard... *Hissed at Blaze* Stop it Blaze!

Blaze: *Hollered back in a weird accent* Did you just call me a retard?

Ice: You are behaving like one!

Blaze: *Got angry* You, you betrayed me! *Tried to use the force to choke Ice*

Ice: *Sweat dropped* The force is not real...

Blaze: Oh really? Follow me then! *Stole a ranger's cart and sped off*

Ice: *Screamed* Blaze! Stoppp!!! Too fast!!

Blaze: *Suddenly yanked the brake* Here! *Pulled down his jacket hood and swaggered to the lion's enclosure* This is where the challenge to the throne lies! *Saw a lion and banged the glass* Hey you! Wanna fight? *Lion slowly advanced to him* Good! I feel your anger... Strike me down with all your hatred! *Laughed evilly as the lion swept its paws behind the glass* My turn! *Tried to summon force lightning but failed*

Ice: *Sweat dropped x100* Blaze, can we focus on the mission? Others are staring at you... We are supposed to be finding Uncle. B...

Uncle. B: Hey! *Bumped Ice from behind* Hey buddy! How' cha doing?

Ice: *Shrieked and took a few steps back in fright* H-hello... uncle... What are you doing here?

Uncle. B: Oh. I just saw you guys steal a ranger's cart and I came here to congratulate you on your success! That is so epic!! How did you guys do that?

Blaze: With dark magic of course... *Laughed evilly again as his palm glowed from fire*

Uncle. B: Whoa, whoa, Blaze... Anyway, why do you seek me?

Blaze: Firstly, Blaze is dead! The name is Darth Azaer~ sith lord of the north! *Tried to use mind tricks again* You will reveal your secret to us now before I strike you down with my lightsaber!

Uncle. B: What the heck is wrong with you? What secrets?

Ice: Nothing much Uncle... He is just hooked onto the Star Wars action at Disneyland last night. Anyway while we see some animals, do you mind if we ask you a few questions?

Uncle. B: Absolutely, but not before some huntin'!

(Mission status: successful) Over and out...

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