{Special} ~ Russia's Birthday Party

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December 30, 2019 is Russia's birthday

Every single year was the same, invite nations for his birthday no one shows up and ends up being alone.

Russia sat at the table, food was ready. Russia sang a soft tune, waiting for guess to arrived even though he knows no one will should up. But this year it felt different was because of the capitals, he couldn't figure it out. His sisters already drop off their presents but we're busy. The Baltic didn't want to celebrate with him since they're afraid. He didn't want to force anyone to his party.

Five minutes before the time the party well begin.

There was knock

What? Did someone decided to come

Russia slowly walked over maybe he heard wrong.

Knock Knock Knock

No someone's here, opening the door there stood his capital Moscow.

"Здравствуйте Россия, с днем ​​рождения (Hello Russia, Happy birthday)" Said Moscow holding out a present "для тебя брат (For you brother)

"Спасибо большое, заходи (Thank you so much, come in)" Holding back his tears.

"Наши братья и столицы Прибалтики в данный момент что-то заботятся, а потом присоединятся к нам (Our Brothers and The Baltic Capitals are taking care of something and well be joining us later)"

"Da of course" Said Russia giving a innocent smile

"Are you alright? Do you not feel good?"

"No I am alright, I'm just happy you came no one comes to my parties they are too scared of me"

"I see, well you have me now I do hope I get to spend more time with you brother"

"I do too Moscow"

"Violet.....Violet that is my human name use it only when we are alone please"
Russia nods there was a knock on the door. The Russian when to open the door.

It was the rest of the capitals right on time.

This year wasn't all too bad for the tall Russian.

HETALIA - Life Of The Capitals (discontinuing / rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now