~ part 19 ~

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"Gabriel, Gabriel! Wake up!" Scream Alex as he washes my face with water.

"I'm up, Uh ouch. What happened?" I asked as I sat up.

"Well it doesn't really matter, we just have to go come on!" Zhen-Zhen said with a worried tone in her voice.


"OKAY LETS GO COME ON!!" I said getting up and running to Zhen-Zhen's car.

"You know she lives in Denver now right?" Dariush reminds us just as we got to the hospital.

"Fuck okay let's go to the airport and say it's an emergency and they should you know let us on the next flight there since we saved the world and everything" Alex said as I pulled onto the freeway to the airport.

The airport people let us on ( for free ) and then we got a cab to the hospital.

"Gabriel, what are you doing come on," spoke Zhen-Zhen. Waking from my thoughts.

"Sorry I'm just getting memories," from the last time I was here. Where y/n mum told me to never see her again.

We all ran in and quickly asked for her room, 207 the man said. We all sprinted to the elevator and went up to level 3, ran back out towards her room.

I looked around to see that somehow y/n mum wasn't here yet.

I shrugged and turned to the door that Dariush was already knocking on.

We all waited I'll we heard a faint voice speak threw the door.

"come in,"

Her voice sounded tired and in pain.

Dariush opened the door slowly, we all just stood in the door way look wide eyed towards y/n sitting upright in the hospital bed.

"hi," I said softly. As soon as the word spilled out of my mouth, tears fell from everyone's eyes.

Y/n smiled while letting out a million tears, her e/c eyes glowing from the salty water dropping along her face.

"W-what are you g-guy doing here," she lightly said through all her tears.

We didn't answer we just all went up and hugged her. Well everyone except me.

I stood there staring at y/n, she hadn't changed to much, it's been like a whole year now.

Plus it's almost Christmas, in like three days.

"guys can you give me and Gabriel some space?" I could just make out what y/n said as then everyone left the room.

I was left alone with her. Her eyes scanning my body. The body that was on fire, her gaze fuelling my body temperature.

"so uh how um are you okay, what happened?" I said sitting on the end of the hospital bed. The room was cold, I was in lots of layers so I couldn't really tell but I could see y/n's lips start to turn blue.

"Yeah I just got in well- a car crash, I'm all good." She said smiling. I knew she wasn't truely ok because her eyes were still watering. But they didn't let go of any tears.

Plus all the cuts and bruises on her body told a whole different story. The cuts were deep and all over her neck arms and legs. There was a giant cut along her left eye.

She saw that I was staring at the cut on her face, she slowly brought her hand up to it. The water from her eyes dropping down her face.

I placed my hand on top of hers.

More and more drops of water flowing her eyes.

"I hope it doesn't scar," she said giggling through the tears.

I smiled, placing my other hand on her other side of her face.

"Y/n I've missed you," I said brushing my thumb along her face.

Her eyes moved down.

"It didn't seem like it," she turned away, moving her body off of the bed walking slowly towards the window.

"I haven't heard from you for almost a whole year Gabriel! I was left in the rubbish, all alone. No friends no family, no.... you" she said starting off strong but then getting weaker in her voice.

I walked up to her and grabbed both her hands. Looking into her watery e/c eyes, watching her h/l -h/c fall down on to her body.

"Y/n, the rule. You know who much I was hurting. Dariush and I live together and for the first like 6 months, I was crying every night in my room. Plus when your mum came and talked to me I- uh" it slipped I wasn't meant to tell her about my chat with her mum.

"SHE DID WHAT! Gabriel what did she say!!" Y/n sounded really pissed off. She let go of my hands and walked back over to the bed.

Placing her hands down in anger.

"Y/n I wasn't meant to tell you," I spike softy.

"Gabriel if you really want me to believe you then tell me what my mother did." She said squinting her eyes so none of her tears would fall.

"After the invasion when you arrived in the hospital, I came and visited you. But your mother would let me into see you, she said something like me and the "squad" should stay away from you because it was for the better and you needed to focus of yourself. So I left you alone," I said looking out through the window in front of me.

"Wait are you saying you left me alone without even fighting her! You left me, I was in pain, I was in so much pain! YOU LEFT ME TO ROT IN THE DARKNESS GABRIEL! YOU LEFT ME TO BEAT MYSELF UP!" She Yelled getting more and more furious at the minute.

"Y-you promised you w-would never leave me, I-I trusted you," she said quietly as she slowly fell to the ground.

I quickly ran over to her and grabbed her.

She was on her knees crying in my arms. Once she realised I was holding her she looked up at my eyes full of tears repeatedly punching my stomach. It didn't hurt but I grabbed both her arms causing her to freeze.

"Y/n I did it because I wanted you to be happy and safe, your mother said you would be better off without me. I wanted to come back to you everyday, everyday I thought about you. There has never been a day you weren't in my mind," I said as she buried her head into the crack of my neck and shoulder.

Her tears soaking my shirt.

She lifted her head looking me in the eyes.

"Y/n- i-i love you!"
( 1221 words )
ahaha I'm so sorry but merry Christmas and happy new year!!

I know I'm a jerk I've been away and I haven't been able to post this chapter, plus I've been busy cause it's the holidays for me and I've just been hanging with friends.

But I hope you like this chapter, I have been working on it for a while,

I wasn't sure what to do so I redid this chapter like 20 times. I hope this is ok.

Thanks you Sm for 12k reads it really means a lot.

-maddie x❤️

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