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the raindrops were slowly reaching eleven's windows when she heard a doorbell

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the raindrops were slowly reaching eleven's windows when she heard a doorbell. it was lucas. he forgot his favorite black beanie again. "he always does that" jane thought, with a little smirk.

she got back to her small room. her thoughts went really fast as she saw mike's hotel address on her desk. he said they should meet again.

mike. eleven still found it hard to understand everything that has been happening in her life in the past 24 hours. was it really mike? the one she trusted? the one whose eyes were dark chocolate and curls soft as silk? the girl slowly and heavily sighed.

she remembered the look on his freckled face when she mentioned her dad, all the "bad stuff". it's funny, how people describe hard things with light, meaningless words. eleven didn't have an opportunity to grow up in a loving, traditional family. yet, she had always loved words, creating unspoken stories, making prosaic things more special.

and one of those things were michael wheeler. she wanted to see her own soul in his again. she wanted to explore the deepest flaws of him.


meanwhile a raven haired boy was heading down the hotel stairs, so old and so long. he greeted the receptionist and went to smoke a cigarette. it was raining again. he looked out to see if anyone's here. there unfortunately wasn't.

he remembered his messy, nervous handwriting on the paper he gave eleven. he wondered whether he will be able to see her anytime again. her messy curls and deep look in her hazel brown eyes. would that be possible?

but all that seemed so far away. all those dreams, expectations, it was all just in his mind. he hadn't been in a happy relationship ever since eleven left hawkins. they may have been only high school sweethearts. but they may have been so much more. considering he had met eleven before terms such as "dating" or "girlfriend" were used. all that made him clueless, yet with a desperate need for more. he wanted to understand her and help her as much as he could. but what he didn't know was, that the actual need was for her to help him.

she always did.


eleven didn't knock on mike's hotel room door.

he waited. he waited the whole two days after he gave her his address, but she ignored him. and that was when he gave up.

he reached for another cigarette in the little pocket inside his jacket, then a tiny flame of fire appeared on the top of his poisoned pleasure. what did he expect anyway? that eleven is going to suddenly want him all over again after whole four years? no. that was too much for mike wheeler. he lost hope.


you're probably wondering why eleven did that.

the answer is pretty simple. it's not because she didn't want to. it's not because she was scared, nor too lazy. eleven didn't want to hurt mike. she knew her abilities and she knew that all this whole situation was leading to was a huge disaster and harm. it's been so long since she had actually made physical contact with anyone that even imagining herself on a date with mike was too awkward, too humiliating.

yet she dreamed. she dreamed about his raven curls, soft as silk. and his lips tightened up in a adorable smile. she dreamed.


it's been three days since eleven ditched mike. and that was when she heard a loud door slam.

"what the hell are you doing?" it was Max. she was wearing a black midi dress.
"what do you mean?" eleven looked at her, frowning her eyebrows as she put her book away. "wait, what are you reading?" max looked at the oak desk. "The secret history. it's great, but..." max sighed and sat on el's bed.

"why are you ignoring mike?" she asked, with huge disappointment in her voice.

eleven stared at the floor. "why are you asking? and how would you know? besides, you hate him." her redhead friend rolled her eyes.

"yes, but you don't. in fact, you two are like some star crossed freaking lovebirds, yet, you're not seeing the opportunity!" max complained. the brunette shook her head as a sign of disagreement.

"come on, you're my best friend. i don't want you to spend the rest of your youth in this room, or in the library." eleven knew max had other friends she spent most of the time with, but she smiled. she still appreciated how much that girl had done for her.

" i don't know. i guess i think this isn't worth it. i shouldn't hurt him."



"you're hurting him right now."

a shadow of el's face appeared in the yellow light of her small lamp. they spent rest of their evening on drinking hot chocolate with marshmallows and enjoying each other's company. max was complaining about lucas' behaviour before they went to see a movie at a local cinema last night. her red hair was falling down her shoulders like a fire waterfall. jane laughed at most of what she said - she loved being her friend and roomie. they went to sleep together, like the old days. she promised to visit mike.


There we are, ending this chapter with a cute elmax reunion. i know i've been inactive for the past three months, but i promise to go back to my writing. i hope this wasn't that bad. word count: 915.

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