Chapter 1

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Opening his eyes to a sleeping Jaebum was a sight to behold. Though it has been two years and a half of their marriage, Jinyoung can never seem able to get used to this sight. A peaceful, calm and serene look on his handsome face that are nowhere in sight when he was awake as of late. Probably because his loads of work these days. Admiring his lover for a while, he did not realized it's already half to eight. A wicked smile tugged at his lips. "Jaebummie, wake up." He shook his husband and tapped his arms several times, when it is obvious that Jb turned a deaf ear to him, he started to throw a pillow and yelled at his ear, "YAH, Im Jaebum!"

The alpha jolted awake and frantically shouting, "what? what happened!?I got everything under control!".
Seeing his husband antics, Jinyoung just chuckled lightly before shaking his heads and muttered, “nothing happens yet now but unless you want to be murdered by your boss, you might want to take a shower right about now."

Glancing around the digital clock near their bedside, Jb eyes widened before he made a mad dash to the bathroom. "Why did you not wake me up earlier, Jinyoung-ah?" was thrown in before he locked the toilet. The omega just smiled fondly, and proceeded to the spared bathroom to wash up. He got no time to wait for him anyways as Im Jaebum loves showering and he can take forever in there regardless of his current predicament.

Preparing sandwiches, because that the only thing he can whip in a minute, Jinyoung hummed his favorite song. Not realizing his husband's presence until he felt an arm wrapped around his torso and a kiss was placed on his bond mark, making him shivered. "Good morning, love."

His cheeks dimpled with a smile and he greeted back. Grabbing his earlier sandwiches that are nicely packed, he thrust it to his husband's hand before shoo-ing him away. " You can have that in office, because you will be running late if you don't go now." Jaebum did not protest, instead accepting the Tupperware, though not before planting a kiss to the cheek and a whisper of ‘take care’.

"Good thing I worked from home", he mumbled to himself.

With a glass perched on his button nose, Jinyoung typed away his on-going novel while munching on his breakfast. It did not take long for him to be distracted from his work though, and he finds himself on a forum, ‘pregnancy and omega’ forum. He ended up reading a series of stories from happy family, successful treatment to a failed pregnancy that were shared there.

Frowning to himself, he rubbed his stomach and felt a sense of longing. They have been married for almost three years, and while they did plan for the first year because they were too young to care for a child, they have been trying for more than a year now. He knows Jb never brought the topic up because that one time he did, the omega was left a crying mess and Jb was so lost and he reassured him, that he can wait for however long. That he did not care if they never have one. But deep inside, that's all Jinyoung ever thought. A child of his own.

And he knew Jaebum wanted one too.

Moreover, managing his husband also give him confident to raise a child cause trust him, Jaebum himself is such a child sometimes. Shaking his head out of depressive thoughts, he resumed his work. Enough distraction for today. So much for at least a chapter must be done! A long way to be Shakespear the second, Jinyoung -ah.


Jackson has been eye-fucking their CEO throughout the meeting and Jaebum told him just that. Of course Jackson being Jackson, strongly denied it.

“Wang Jiaer, make a move on him already, I think he has a thing for you too. I’m surprised he’s still not cross eyed with all the sidelong glances he threw at you when he thought anyone wasn’t looking.” He was instantly hit by a rather thick files, courtesy of his best friend. Jackson Wang might be a beta, but his demeanor, physical and attributes all pointed as an alpha, sans the scent.

“Watch out, bro. He’s your boss and future in-law.” the shorter expression turned serious. Jaebum was instantly getting cold feet because as playful as Jackson is, he’s very stern when it comes to the people he hold dear. He still remembers the day Jackson threatened his life if he ever hurt Jinyoung in anyway when they first revealed their relationship. Its not an empty promise too.

“Hey, you know I was just kidding, right?”, Jaebum placated.

“Yeah but I cannot pass the opportunity to smack you.” Damn Jackson. Said man was already on his merry way to his designated place.

Jaebum was about to retort, but the sound of someone's clearing their throat got his attention. Looking up, he saw a glaring figure of apple of Jackson's eye, cum his employer, Mark Tuan. He continued on his current work, face all serious, already plotting Jackson's death in his mind.


Later that evening, Jaebum went grocery shopping on his way back home. He was browsing through lists of ingredients that he received from Jinyoung's text when he bumped into someone.

"Sorry, that was totally my fault," he apologized and bowed deeply before lifted his head. "Jaebum oppa?", a familiar voice resounded and upon seeing the person, he gaped. “Jihyo?” The woman nodded her head enthusiastically and proceeded to hug him. Jaebum was bewildered at first but recovered soon enough to return the embrace.

Now, do not misunderstood him. Jihyo was in their group of close friends, along with Jackson and his little brother Youngjae. She was his childhood friend, he knew her long before Jinyoung and the one he treated like his own little sister. Jinyoung was basically adopted by Jackson, his best friend, so he always tagged along and that was how their dynamics formed. On their last year of high school though, she decided to drop off and continue to pursue her study overseas. At least that was what he been told.

She has matured enough now, if her flowery omega scent is anything to go by. He remembered when last they contacted, her scent has not even developed yet. Releasing their embrace, Jaebum took in her appearance. A sleeveless full-length dress for the summer, with high heels to complete the feminine look. He also can see her face is dusted by light makeup, nothing too much to conceal her natural beauty. No wonder she was a heartbreaker during their school days.
"Hyung, do you even heard what I was saying?", Jaebum was pulled from his reminisce with a tug on his sleeve. He gave her a sheepish smile, slightly shaking his head. She sighed, “It has been a looong time, why don’t we catch up?”, she suggested. Jaebum had to politely declined her because Jinyoung probably waiting for him at home as they spoke. “Jinyoung? As in Park Jinyoung, that sulky friend of ours?!” The alpha laughed good-naturedly, “the one and only”, while nodding his head. Not that he can blame her calling Jinyoung that way, because that’s what made him, his Jinyoung.

There was that one time when he and the rest of group went for a dinner. Without Jinyoung. They were confused at first when Jinyoung suddenly become quiet and distant. Turned out he was upset about not being invited, the omega found out through Jihyo's SNS and Jaebum really wanted to strangle that kid, because Jackson had explicitly told them to never talk or post on social media, but she already apologized so what was left was to persuade him.

“Do not blame others. It was me. I didn’t invite you because I knew you had stomachache early that day and I don’t want you to get sick, Jinyoung-ah”. Jaebum reasoned.
“Yeah but that was in the morning! and I am okay already, but you didn’t even bother to tell me in the first place. I have been waiting for that restaurant to open since forever”. The longer he talked, the smaller his voice get, and Jaebum guiltiness increased tenfold despite his honest intention. "Fine, I'm sorry, okay?". Jaebum was left to three days of silent treatment before the younger accepted his apology.

They ended up throwing Jinyoung's surprised birthday party at the restaurant to make up for that.

His mate really is one of a kind, but he still loves him to death.

Jihyo was excited to meet the rest of the group, she couldn't believe that they mated and married, she thought fighting was all they did during their school days. Oh, she did not know many things, was what Jaebum's thought.
In the end, they just exchanged phone numbers and promised to catch up later.


Author's note: so,that was the first chapter.This is actually my first attempt making an omegaverse story and certainly first jjp.Do you guys think its worth it to continue posting here?If yes,do leave comments and votes below. Oh,and I'm sorry for any grammatical errors because this story is unbeta'ed. Thank you for reading!

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