Chapter 7

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They had been driving for 2 hours. Cath had fallen asleep, and Levi had to stop every 20 minutes to get coffee to stay awake. They pulled up outside a stop and went to get a snack. Levi shoved the keys carelessly in his pocket, not realising that the key had fallen out and landed on the unlock button. They looked round the mini supermarket, and bought 2 twixes, 2 hot chocolates, a coffee and a large packet of eclairs. When they had paid, and walked out of the shop, Levi spotted his car driving out of the car lot.

“NO!” He screamed, running after it, thrusting the bag at Cath. The car continued to drive, accelerating faster as Levi ran. Cath ran as fast as she could, calling the police as this was a crime.

The car sped off, turning dangerously at the junction, and was out of sight. Levi groaned.

“No! I need my car! Why now!” tears ran down his face, and Cath hugged him.

“The police are on their way,” She said, soothingly. “I told them what happened and they will be able to locate the car from the speed cameras because I gave them your plate number.”

“Thanks so much Cather. I’m sorry we’re gonna be late seeing your dad.”

Just then, a police siren was heard and the police drove up into the parking lot. A woman jumed out and walked up to them.

“Are you Cath?” She asked Cath, demandingly.

“Yes I am. Our car was stolen.” Cath stated, trying to be clear.

A male police officer now climbed out of the car and was holding a device with a map and a beeping light on it.

“We’ve found your car.” He told Cath.

Levi breathed a sigh of relief.

“We have men chasing it now. If you like, we can continue you journey for you.”

“Yes please!” Cath and Levi both said at the same time.

“Okay, hop in and tell us where you want to go.” The woman said.

They got in the car and told the police where they were headed.

But just then, Cath’s phone rang.


“Hi Cath,” Wren said with a sob. “Dad’s dead.”

Thanks for reading! Can't believe I have nearly done 10 parts! If you want to give me some ideas for plot that you think are cool, just message me or comment below. Like this? Read the actual book by Rainbow Rowell! It's amazing! Sorry this is so short! LYSM guysssssss!!!

Fictionamz x

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2014 ⏰

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