Chapter Four

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Loki POV~

I feel bad that Anna can't sleep- maybe I can help by using some of my magic.

"I'm getting tired I should head back to room even though I know won't get much sleep. Good night Loki." she gets up and starts for the door. I didn't want her to leave, I wanted to help and for her to stay.

"Hey Anna?" she hums facing the door, I can tell that she is tired.

"Can I use some of my magic to help you sleep? Since I'm technically a prisoner here I won't be able to reach your room with it, so you'll have to stay here tonight." I might have lied so I would get her to stay. She yawns again.

"What harm can be done?" she shrugs, "Sure, anything so I can get a good night's rest."

She walks back over and sits next to me on my bed; I feel her head rest on my shoulder. I wave my hand over her and a green light shine. After a couple of minutes, she is out cold. I stare at her for maybe an hour I know if anyone where to walk in right now they would think I'm a creep; but I don't care. The sound of the door opening woke me up. Who is coming in at this hour? When did I fall asleep? Why are Anna and I cuddling? What is whoever coming in going to think about this? My mind was racing with questions. The door finally opened and in came Steve Rodgers or Captain America.

"What is going on here?!" He asks angrily glaring at me.

"I didn't do anything" I say calmly.

"I don't believe that, you're the God of mischief and lies." He stalks over and gently picks up Anna's sleeping frame; holding her bridal style he glares at me again and takes a deep breath before saying,

"This is the most peaceful she's looked while sleeping in a long time. I still don't trust you. I was worried for her when she didn't come down last night. She usually says good night to Sam Thor and I before heading to bed; we are the ones she comes to when she can't sleep. Why is she coming to you for that now?" He didn't give time to respond because he left with her.

Anna didn't come back all day. What did Steve tell her? How come she hasn't come back; we were supposed to continue the book she was reading me. I just sat on my bed wondering what he had told Anna that would keep her away for the whole day.


I woke up in Steve's bed, that's weird I could have sworn I fell asleep with Loki. Just then Steve came in, "Anna, what did Loki do?! I was worried about you- I didn't see you before you went to bed. Sam Thor and I wondered where you went and then I find you in HIS room this morning." he sounded pissed, I just looked away ashamed that I had worried my three friends.

"I'm sorry, I guess I just fell asleep while he was reading a poem to me." I knew it wasn't a good idea to lie to Steve but I didn't want to tell him that I had gone to Loki for help sleeping and not him, "He didn't do anything but read to me-" he cut me off; his face growing red with anger, "When I came in you two where cuddling!" Yup he's pissed.

"I had no idea-" I was cut off again.

"I don't want you to see him today; actually, I don't want you to see him ever again." My eyes widen.

"But- my assignment is to make sure that he doesn't escape!"

"I don't care I'll assign someone else. You're getting too close to him; this is for your well-being Anna. I'm sorry." He places his hands on my shoulders. Does he like me? Is he jealous that I'm getting close with Loki?

"Anna, please listen to me-please don't go see him again. Stay here with me, I can help you sleep. Please." I couldn't say no. He sounded so desperate; he really did care about my well-being.

"Okay- I won't go see him." I look up and smile at him. Relief washed over his face; he really didn't like Loki. I sigh. Steve hugged me; I hesitantly hugged back.

"I'm just looking out for you Anna- please don't be mad at me." how could I be mad at Steve? He was like an uncle to me.

"I'm not mad uncle Steve, I could never be mad at you." I said into his chest because of how close he was holding me. "Can you loosen up please I'm going to suffocate." he loosened his grip but didn't let go; he smelled of after-shave it was a bit weird; he never wears cologne. I decided not to question it though.

"You know that I'm only looking out for you right?" He seemed concerned. Maybe Loki is bad after all, if Steve doesn't like him it must be true right? Steve is usually right when it comes to judging character. I saw him leave the room. I get up and get dressed; today I'm wearing a light blue high-low hemline dress that has white lace though out the entire dress, there is a bow tied around the waist and the top is fully lace. I pull my hair up into double Dutch braids. (top)

When I was done getting ready, I went down to the kitchen to grab some food

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When I was done getting ready, I went down to the kitchen to grab some food. As I walk into the kitchen I run into Bucky,

"Hey Bucky, how are you?" he looked at me and shrugged. Guess he's not in the mood to talk. I just continue into the kitchen when I'm stopped by-

"Loki? W-what h-how?" why is my face getting red? Am I blushing? What's going on?  

A/N~ this was a longer chapter I'm hoping the rest are about this long

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