Chapter One

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I've just became an Avenger; Tony Stark, who happens to be my father, is throwing a party to celebrate. Everyone knows that the real reason is that he just wants to have a party; its fine by me. I'm standing by the food table talking with Steve, Sam and Thor when Natasha walks over to us.

"Boys, I'm taking Anna for a bit." she says casually as she grabs my arm and pulls me out of the room. She is going through the halls towards the elevator.

"Nat, where are we going?' I inquire upset that she took me away from the boys.

"You'll see Anna, you'll see." her voice had a mysterious tone and a hint of mischief was there too. Theories where running through my mind; there where a million possibilities. When we got to the elevator, she called for F.R.I.D.A.Y. the AI.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y., take us to the 34th floor."

"Yes, agent Romanoff." I gulp, the only thing on that floor is, Loki. We had just captured him, and he is a dangerous man.

"Nat, why are we going there?" I couldn't keep the fear out of my voice no matter how hard I tried. She turns to me with a smirk on her face,

"Like I said Stark, you'll see." Now we are using last names huh. Well two can play at that game. I huff,

"Okay, fine agent Romanoff, I'll wait. But if you try anything, and I mean anything I will personally send Steve after you or maybe Thor." I snicker as the elevator doors opened signaling that we had reached our destination. Natasha did not look amused at what I had just said. She stepped out and started to walk down the hall. She didn't even wait for me! I rush after her, my long hair getting frizzed. Ugh it took me four hours to this my hair was in a braided crown, but now it's frayed and probably looks bad. I sigh. As I catch up with her, I see that she is holding an icy blue key.

"What are you doing with the key for Loki's room?" she ignores my question and unlocks the door. She holds it open and gestures for me to go in first. I hesitantly step into the room; the walls are white like a hospital rooms would be, the room was spouses with only a couple of things. A bed, a stake of books in a different language and a desk with a chair. I spin around taking in the barren room, I feel my dress rise just a bit. I pick up one of the books and examine it. After flipping through a couple of pages not understanding the text, I feel like someone is staring at me. I turn around slowly. 

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