Chapter 5: A New Day

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Soraya sat up quietly, moving noiselessly as to not wake up the man sleeping beside her. It had been a long night. Too long.

Soraya blinked away the soul-crushing memories, away her exhaustion.

It was a new day. She would not dwell on what had happened last night, on the past. She knew if she did, she would not be able to continue. And in this world, only those who could move forward were the ones who lived, who succeeded. She would succeed.

Her hands shook violently as she pulled on the remains of her beautiful silk dress. It had been ripped in half by the man she couldn't kill because her dream depended on his power, the man she had let do things to her that, if anyone else did, she would have skinned them alive and filtered their blood. Soraya balled the fabric up in her fist. She had really loved this gown. A shame it had to be tainted by such foul memories. She would burn it tonight.

"I can buy you a new one, an even better one." Soraya jolted at the sound of the man. When had he awoken? She didn't know if she could handle hearing his voice right now.

"It's quite alright, Hermes. As long as you uphold your side of the deal." Who was the girl speaking? It certainly wasn't her, but a whore, a lowly prostitute no different from those wretched women who sold their bodies for something in return.

"Why don't you live here with me. You can stay in one of my many rooms. I'll give you the best one. You'll have all the luxuries you could ever want, Soraya." She dug her nails into the palm of her hand to contain her pure aversion. She loathed the ring of her name on his tongue. It did not belong there. And most of all, she did not belong here either. No one could ever tame her. Soraya belonged to no one.

"I really must go. Thank you for the offer though." She picked up her heels and headed straight for the door. She could not bear to spend another minute in his bedroom.

"Wait." He called, a note of anger hidden in his casual tone. Her blood froze, her heart stopped.

"Yes?" She smiled sweetly as she forced herself to glance back. She knew he was staring at her bare legs, at the fabric slipping off her shoulders and imagining all of the things he wished to do to her next time. But there would be no next time. Ever. So she would bear it right now.

"Give me a kiss before you go." Hermes's grin was feral.

"I...of course, Hermes." She swallowed her protest. This is why she hoped she never needed any man ever again. So they could not use her, take advantage of her. Men were scum. They were trash. Every single one of them. It wouldn't be long before she never had to be near one again. So she would bear it right now.

The guard led her out of the accursed room at last towards a marbled bathroom. As Soraya pulled on the thin, white blouse and blue trousers, she avoided her reflection at all costs. Ignored the marks on her skin, the swelling of her lips, the throbbing deep in her core. It was a new day. Nothing some cold water couldn't fix. Soraya walked out of that bathroom with her head held high.


The sight of his captain made him sick to his stomach. To a person that didn't know her, Soraya appeared no different. She still walked with the confidence of a queen and still wore that fierce grin. But he knew beneath the high-necked blouse was kiss marks she wanted no one to see. The light that flickered steadily in her amber eyes seemed to die down just a little bit. The upward tilt of her chin seemed like it took a little more effort than usual to maintain today.

They say no man has ever touched her. What a bunch of bullshit.

She waved to her crew and they all gathered beneath her like pups thirsting for their mother's approval.

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