Chapter 28: A Watchful Eye

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She watched Remus lunge at Soraya with restrained power. It had been three days since Soraya had coerced Darlene to hand over the Academy and nothing eventful had occurred since Soraya had yet to publicly declare her position of leadership to the rest of the school. Every morning, Soraya and the prince sparred in the training arena to stay in shape and today, Masika thought she would come and observe.

Soraya was of average height and build, her slender physique packed with lean muscle and little fat, the typical body of any skilled fighter on the high seas. Remus towered over her in strength and size, nearly a full head taller, his body toned with muscle as a result of his more nutritious diet on the Land. It should've been impossible for Soraya to hold her ground against a man of that size. Yet, somehow the woman managed and as Masika continued watching, she began to realize how.

Soraya fought in bursts, focusing more on constant attack and less on defense, a tactic that easily would have overwhelmed an inexperienced fighter such as herself. Remus was no ordinary fighter though, and he blocked all of her assaults, his hand stopping her sidekick with infuriating ease. A twist of his forearm and Soraya was thrown to the ground, though not hard enough to injure the woman. Masika could tell she was sorely missing the aid of her weapons, the woman usually relying on the reliable defense of her steel-reinforced jacket and her cleverly hidden daggers to catch her opponents off guard and turn the tides toward her favor.

"Use your body more," Remus instructed, wiping the sweat off of his brow, offering a hand to the woman, who ignored him and pushed herself up.

"I am! I don't get what you mean," Soraya rose, frustration souring her fatigued expression. However, she sprinted toward the prince with renewed vigor.

"Don't just kick with your leg, use your entire body." Remus gritted his teeth at the woman's unrelenting blows, the first time Masika had seen him struggle. Still, she never landed a solid blow on the man, who had chosen to remain defensive the entire match. Masika wondered if this was how it had been every time.

"Like a dropkick?"

"Exactly." Instantly, Soraya sprung backwards then upwards, leading her body with her legs as she launched towards the prince. Remus smiled through a pained expression as the mighty blow pushed him backwards, the force of her entire body driving him to a stumble.

"Impressive, princess." Soraya only grinned in reply and Masika felt her stomach drop at the special name he spared only for the woman.

"You are a great fighter, but you do not utilize everything you are given. A woman must level the playing field by using every ounce of her body to her advantage."

"Are you saying women are naturally weaker?" There was a bitter defensiveness in Soraya's tone that Masika understood well.

"Of course not, princess. Women are superior in many aspects, but physically, men will hold the upper hand. That is why you must fight smart and often, you will find yourself surprised by the intellectual advantage you possess over your opponents." A perfect response.

"Since when did you become so wise?" Soraya said, an authentic smile touching her face, a common sight around the prince. Remus was the water to Soraya's fire, soothing her harsh temper with his appeasing words and assuaging the constant pain in her eyes with his charm.

"Masika, would you like to join us?" Remus called suddenly. She jolted in her seat, swearing neither should have spotted her seated in the peripheral of the arena.

"No thank you. I am a rather amateur fighter. Nothing compared to the likes of the two of you." Masika stood abruptly, brushing off her pants before moving towards the exit. Stealth was her strength, not combat. Apparently not, if both Remus and Soraya had noticed her presence.

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