Chapter 17: In A Years Time

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It had been a week since the captain's mission had failed. Idleness had inhabited itself on the ship during Soraya's unusually long period of inaction. For the first time, the crew did not have a purpose, an upcoming mission to focus on. For the first time, they did not know what to do with themselves except twiddle their thumbs in the feverish June weather. And Soraya had not provided any guidance.

She came and went, spending most of her time shut away in her quarters or Tom's quarters. Alessandro's stomach curled with unease as he thought about the prince being held captive in her room. What were they doing in there? How was the interrogation going? They were all starved for answers, yet Soraya had made no effort to give any. The only time she emerged from hiding into the public eye was to grab from the ever-dwindling food and water supply. Someone would have to take action soon or mutiny would likely strike.

"What are you thinking about?" The Siren stared up at him, her fingers tracing his arm languidly in tune with the rocking of the ship. He let his eyes wander onto her figure, which was on full display in the heat of summer evenings in the Pacific. Alessandro did not know how to define his relationship with the Witch, only that they enjoyed each other's company, that they filled each other's needs temporarily. But this type of relationship was nothing new to Alessandro. Life on the ocean was lonely and sex had always filled that void, even if he would need another dose of it by the next evening. He didn't like sleeping by himself, could never get used to it. Alessandro would never forget how cold that first night alone had been, when everyone in his family abandoned him, when his sister had looked at her own brother as though he was an abomination unworthy of being human. The memory held him so tenaciously in its grip that not even the warmth of his room could prevent the chill that ran through him.

"Just wondering what the hell we are going to do about all this?" Alessandro replied at last, moving closer to the Siren. She rolled her eyes and retracted her hand before waltzing toward her silk robe with that sensual grace of hers.

"This is all we are going to talk about, is it? I told you already, Soraya will figure it out. Our job is to keep the ship calm."

"I know, I know. You're right of course, it's just..." Alessandro mumbled, his words trailing off as he leaned his head back against the bed frame.

"I'm always right." The Witch finished tying her robe and slipped on her sandals.

"Don't go. Stay the night." The pirate hunter called out, beckoning the Witch over with a flick of his eyes. He always felt at ease with the Siren, her presence comforting as it was strong, a subdued wisdom emulating from her, quite unexpected of someone from her line of work.

"What about you and the captain?"

"Oh for God's sake, Witch. Now you ask that, after all we have done? Soraya doesn't love me. She never will." Alessandro smiled sadly as those words left him, yet he felt a burden lift off his shoulders, as if the final step towards acceptance had been taken. The Siren raised a shapely brow at him, her slender fingers twirling her sleek, brown locks.

"Nor does the captain love me. She will never love anyone, Alessandro."

"Don't tell me you loved her too." The pirate hunter always forgot about the woman's loose sexuality.

"I did not. But I have heard stories as well as watched with my own eyes many who have and it always ended the same. At the end of the day, she is just like the men she hates. Soraya is a user. She looks down on women like me who sell their body to survive, though she would never admit it, but Soraya wouldn't have made it all these years if she hadn't had to do the same. It is the only way a woman can survive in this cruel world. She just likes to make it seem like she didn't. It adds to the mystery that surrounds her, makes her seem untouchable. Now that her crew has finally gained the reputation she had worked so hard for, it is even more unlikely the captain will give her heart to any man."

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