Chapter 19: Forgotten Friendships

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Soraya hurled out all of the contents in her stomach until she tasted nothing but acid. She wiped her mouth with her already tainted cloak, feeling bile rising again at the sight of Daiyu's blood on her. Her hands shook as she stared at the penknife, at the coppery liquid coating her skin, some of it already crusting around her fingernails.

Soraya had killed far too many people in her young life, yet none of her victims had jarred her like Daiyu.

It's because this one was unnecessary.

"Shut up."

It's because you did it out of spite.

"Shut up!" Soraya threw that penknife as far away as she could, frantically wiping the blood off her fingers and tried her hardest not to linger on the body lying in a puddle of red liquid.

It was too late. What's done is done. She betrayed you. If you had let her go, she would have done so again. Soraya rallied her wits as she rose. And didn't look back.

The salon was empty, the ring of a bell sounding as Soraya tentatively pushed open the dilapidated door. It smelled the same as the last time Soraya had visited six years ago, like hair, chemicals, and sea salt. She smiled as she recognized the chair she had sat in, now barely held together by a few pieces of tape and a couple of screws. She settled in it now, catching her reflection in the mirror across from her.

"What the hell-" A blond-haired woman burst in through the door, the contents of her steaming beverage nearly spilling onto the floor as she skidded to an abrupt halt. Soraya started, instinct driving her to her feet, her hand instantly reaching for her dagger.

The two women stared at one another.

"Soraya? Is that you?"

"Luna! It is good to see you!" Soraya beamed at her old friend.

"It really is you. Gosh, it's been so long." The pair embraced, though not before Soraya had taken off her cloak and flung it behind her.

"My, my! You have a lot of explaining to do. Are you responsible for the murder scene in front of my salon? A nice greeting that was. You should be grateful I had closed shop already." Luna exclaimed, the unease in her green eyes telling Soraya that she was still shaken by the lurid scene.

"I sincerely apologize. I will get rid of the body later."

"Daiyu was a frequent customer of mine. Did you really have to kill her?" The disappointment in Luna's tone only sharpened the compunction drilling through Soraya and she had to ball her fists to keep her composure.

"I didn't mean for it to happen."
"Did you mean for that to happen though?" Luna jerked her head toward the mirror and Soraya gasped at the large spot of red dotting her white blouse. It was only then that Soraya noticed the dull ache that pulsed from where Daiyu had stabbed her.

"Don't tell me you just noticed that! You really haven't changed since six years ago." Luna chuckled as she pulled a roll of cloth and some salt spray from a drawer and tossed it to her.

"Neither have you, Luna. Doing the same occupation I see."

"Eighteen-year-old Soraya would freak out if she saw you right now. You've done so much with your life already, reached places most pirates can only dream of. I see ransom notes for you everywhere! What brings you back to a place like Oxwell?"

"I wanted to reminisce and see you of course."

"Ha! Soraya coming back to see an old friend? Unheard of. What is it that you actually want?"

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