From tiny little paws and small floppy ears, Xena, now a full grown dog, runs outside to take care of her business. The young man walks outside and leans against a pole, cuppa in hand, cool breeze tickling through his hair. Deciding to head off to work, the young man finishes his cuppa, and pats Xena on the head, “See ya girl, I'll be back, try not to get into mischief,” the man smiles and exits the house. Xena runs off to once again explore her territory. At about the same time, Sid exits his house, more grump than man, to let his chooks out. Sid turns to go back inside, whilst his prized Silkie strides out of the hen house. Xena sits watching, knowing better than to enter Sid’s territory. About to head inside, Xena watches as the Silkie jumps onto a wooden board, then on the rusty pipe. Walking across the pipe, losing its footing, it falls into her side of the yard. Wagging her tail excitedly, she lurches herself over, happy for a playmate. Jumping on the Silkie the chicken goes limp. Not knowing any better she picks it up, playing in the dirt.
The Orchard and The Chook
Short StoryThe Australian dream, a nice block of land, Australian bush surrounds, a mischievous puppy, an orchard, a chicken and a neighbour feud? Cute short story, based on a true story, welcome to living in Australia in the 80's/90's.