chapter 29: full house in the tomlinson house

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Heyy guys. SO i think this is going to be the last actual chapter because i havent had any support from any of my readers expect like 5 or 6.. so im kinda sad so im thinking on ending it here. so if yall wanna read another one of my bookd and actually support me, im starting "Miss Popular Kidnapped by One Direction..

so here it is.

The last chapter.

Ill write this an an epologue and a sequel so yeah, thanks to all of you who have supported this!! i love yall so much!!

*Stellas POV*

I sighed and sat on the couch holding Lacy as we watched the tv screen which consisted of my 5 favorite boys talking about their new album.

"yeah its been so fun coming up with the songs for the new album. There fun and up beat and you all will enjoy it so much i promise!" niall said in his adorable irish accent.

He smiled with his now straight teeth.

I hated how thought-out the 5 years ive known them, all the girls have been pressuring Niall to get braces, but he honestly didnt need them. They made him, HIM.

I looked back up at the tv then down to Lacy who was now asleep in my arms. I dont blame her. Its 11:27 according to the clock above the tv.

I yawned and pulled lacy into me as i got up and climbed up the stairs to go to our beds.

I flicked lacys light on to reveal her adorable little princess room. There was a massive bed with a crown head board, a castle painted on the wall and a bunch of dress up clothes boxes lining her room. Her room was huge so it didnt ever look messy even when she didnt clean up. i placed her in her bed and covered her up in her princess duvet and walked out of the door shutting her light off as i shut the door slighty and headed off to my bed.

I herd my phone vibrating on my bed side table to be greeted with a message from Louis.

From: Your Loving and Amazingly SEXY husband!!!

i laughed at the thougth of him the other day changing his name in my phone.

"hey love, runnign a little late, we'll be home in less than an hour. i love you! xxx"

I typed back a reply and went and changed into my favorite pair of silk pajamas and slipped into the duvet and was embraced by the comforting warmth.

I tried to stay awake but my eyes wouldnt let me so i looked at the clock which read 12:57 as my eyes closed out of tiredness.


i felt my phone go off in my pocket as i pulled it out and was greeted with a message from Stella.

From: Your Loving and Amazingly BEAUTIFUL wife!!!

i remembered the day we changed each others names in our phones. it was cute

"okayy babe. Ill try to be up when you get home, but no promises. Im beat. i love you too. xxx"

I figured she would be asleep since it doesnt take long for her to doze off.

I looked back at the boys and slipped my self into their conversation. it was about the interviewer. How she was hott and stuff.

"mates, do you all know how pissed off the girls would be if they hard you all talking like this?" i asked as i took out my headphones and plugged them into my iphone.

They all muttered and slumped into their seats.

- - - - - - - - -

We got back to the house around 1 am and i unlocked the door as the boys followed in and all went to their rooms and called it a night. I agreed and went through shutting off all the lights and making sure Stella didnt forget to lock any windows or lock the doors and what not.

Loving you is so easy [One Direction Louis Tomlinson love story] COMPLETE!Where stories live. Discover now