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Once Nathalie had arrived at the big tall iron gates, she was rummaging around in her handbag to try and find the keys to open up the gate, mind you her handbag had  gotten wet as well as including all of the contents inside of it.

She was having trouble finding her keys, her glasses where full of rain droplets and the rain was still pouring down over her, clouding her vision.

Before she could find her keys the big iron gates had creaked open, and as soon as the gap was big enough she had jumped through and into the driveway and had made a fast walk up the stairs to the brown wooden doors.

As she was running up the stairs she saw The doors opening and watched as a slightly unpleased Gabriel had stepped out.

"No no no no no"she muttered under her breath.

She arrived at the top of the stairs and let out a deep sigh.

"I'm so sorry sir, I didn't mean to be late, I was caught up in the rain because I was ready much earlier this morning Which wasn't expected  and so I decided to walk to wo-"

Gabriel was taken back, he had never seen Nathalie look so emotional in her life, she looked helpless.

Her clothes were sticking to her because they were so soaked through and her hair was hanging around her shoulders and down her back in long wet strands. He liked how she looked with her hair down.  As he looked into her bright blue eyes he noticed all of her makeup had started to run down her face and that her glasses were completely useless because of all of the water that had gathered up on them.

Before she could finish her hurried explanation Gabriel had stopped her and had taken her soaking wet bag.

"Oh Nathalie, are you alright? Come inside now, I don't want you catching cold"

"Yes sir" she said softly

"Nat, stop with the formalities, we are way past that, no need to call me sir anymore. My main focus is to get those soaking wet clothes off of you and to get you warm and dry" he had said with a worried tone, as he took her inside.

"Gabriel, I'm making the floors all wet!" Nathalie protested

"I don't care Nat, you are my main priority, now come upstairs and have a shower, I'll put your clothes into the washer and then leave them out to dry"

"Gabriel, I know where my room is, I can walk by myself you know" she said as her teeth were chattering as she tried to remove his hands away from her waist

" I know, I just want to keep you warm, and besides with the effects of the miraculous still wearing off, you never know when you might collapse, especially since you are soaked through, to the bone" he said as he held her tighter towards him

"But gabrie! I'm soaking wet, I'll ruin your clothes!" She protested

"Shh Nat"as he put his finger to her lips, " I'm in my own home, I could work in my pajamas for all I care, I don't mind if I get a bit wet. Now go inside and have a shower, I'll bring up some spare clothes and underwear for you"

Nathalie blushed at this, she had always wanted Gabriel to pick out her clothes for her, especially because she would know he highly approved of it because he chose it.
As she got into the shower she felt the water burn her skin Because she was so cold, she finally relaxed as she started to warm up, she washed her hair  again and had just stayed standing under  the hot water for a few minutes.

Once she had gotten out she grabbed her spare hair brush and started brushing through her long black locks.

She picked up the extra mascara she carried around and applied it  willingly onto her lashes so she didn't look like she had just trudged through the cold wet streets of Paris in the pouring rain.

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