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The next morning Nathalie had woken up with a bit of a stiff neck and the sun shining brightly into her eyes, giving her a bit of a painful headache.

As she opened her eyes she realized where she was, she was still on her couch in the same position as she was in last night, she must have fallen asleep watching the news.

She realized as she got up that she was late for work.she was terribly late!She was meant to be at the mansion promptly by 7:30 am.

Currently it was 8:56 am. Gabriel was going to kill her. Even though he had been exceptionally kind and sweet over the past few days, all of that would disappear in an instant.

She scrambled up off of her couch and ran to her shower cursing, to turn it on, she threw her pajamas into a pile on the floor and jumped into her freezing cold shower, she didn't have time to wait for it to warm up.

Once she had gotten out of her shower she didn't care about her hair or makeup. She just didn't have time.

Unfortunately, because it was the middle of winter and today was exceptionally cold. she couldn't wear a skirt, so she had to spend more of her precious time that she didn't even have, to choose a warm outfit for the day.

Once she had gotten dressed into a pair of black corduroy slacks paired with a white polo neck jersey, she fumbled around in her cupboard for her coat and put on a pair of black boots.

She ran into her kitchen, grabbed her bag and keys and sprinted out her front door.

She decided against taking the lift and instead took the stairs.

After having a near death experience with the old man who lived on the 3rd floor and nearly tripping down 4 flights of stairs, she was safely in her car and out onto the street.

She wanted to go over the speed limit, so she could get to the manor faster, she honestly didn't care if she had to pay a fine.

Unfortunately the roads had become covered in a thin layer of ice overnight, causing the traffic to become chaotic and preventing her from driving faster or even driving at a reasonable pace.

A few minutes later, once she was out of the traffic, Gabriel had called, as she looked down at her phone for the first time today and she had realized that she had 13 missed calls and 7 text messages all from Gabriel asking:
- if she was alright
- If she was coming to work today
- Had she fallen ill
- Does she need someone to pick her up
- Is there a problem

She felt terrible, she wanted to respond, she really did, but she had to stay focused on the road. She couldn't afford crashing, especially now.

Once she had finally arrived at the mansion, she pulled up to the driveway and parked her car as she saw a frantic looking Gabriel who was, by the looks of it, ordering instructions to gorilla, looking very distraught.

Until he realized she had just pulled in, his face fell into a relieved look that was still outlined with a look of complete and utter panic.

She ran out of her car, grabbed her things and slammed the door shut as she sprinted up to the stairs and ran through the large brown doors and past Gabriel and gorilla uttering a good morning and a mumbled apology to them both.

As she reached her desk she opened up her computer in record time and logged into her email with cold, trembling fingers, and she was taken back at what she saw.

She surprisingly only had 1 email to send through, to a stock provider, and that was all, thank god, it could have been a lot worse. Thank the lord that she wasn't late for any conference calls or had an entire inbox overflowing with important emails that would have obviously had to been written and proofed and sent through in record time if she was late.

Once she had fallen back into her desk chair with a huff and caught back her breath, Gabriel had entered the atelier door.


"I'm sorry Gabriel, please forgive me, I fell asleep on my couch last night and then I overslept and when I woke up it was already 8:56. So then I had the quickest and coldest shower ever and then I was in such a rush that I couldn't do my hair or makeup and then I realized that it was freezing outside so I had to dig in my closet to find suitable clothes and then I had to get down to my car without killing myself by running down 6 flights of stairs and then I was prepared to even speed to get to work but then the roads were icy and there was so much traffic and then I finally got here and you looked so distressed. I'm so sorry, please forgive me!!!" She pleaded, out of breath.

"Nat, breathe, please!" He said as he grabbed her shoulders and turned her to face him.

She was looking shaken up. He had never seen her like this, especially reacting over such a small thing, it was fine if she was late, it gave him more time to prepare himself for a certain surprise.

" ok listen to me, you are alright, you're not in trouble, I just need you to breath" he said calmly watching her face turn paler.

"Nat, look at me, it's nothing to get worked up about, I don't mind if you were late, we all have bad days, besides we had a busy day yesterday, you needed your rest"

"I'm so sorry, I was just scared you were going to fire me or what would I have done if I had emails and assignments due, I would have become really stressed, and with the effects of the miraculous still wearing off I still have coughing fits when I'm highly stressed"

"You're alright now, how about you finish up your email and close off your inbox and file media for the day and relax. Besides, I have a little surprise for you"


Once Gabriel and Nathalie had come back and finished up placing and arranging the flowers, they bid each other a goodbye as Nathalie drove off home.

That day he had come to a realization, that he had fallen hard for his assistant, he knew he liked her but he wanted to take things slowly, he wanted to become closer friends before anything happened.

But that all happened within the span of 1 week, a whole lot faster than he had wanted.

But ever since they had been to the florist, he had realized how much and how hard he had fallen for her.

It had hit him right when Nathalie had suggested they get red roses and he had said back to her that -They are beautiful, but red roses are meant for beautiful people, not for house decor, they deserve a more special meaning than any other color-

That beautiful person who deserved those beautiful roses was Nathalie.

She had opened his eyes and made him realize what was in front of him this whole time.

So that evening he had phoned the florist and asked her to if she was able to drop a bouquet of red roses at the mansion in the morning before 7:30 am, she had said yes and said they would be delivered at 7 am.

Gabriel had done it, he had finally worked up the courage to Tell Nathalie how he had felt.

And in what better way to do it than give her a bouquet of red roses and give her the day off of work.

He just hoped that she reciprocated his feeling,he wouldn't know what to do with himself if she didn't.

But those thoughts would have to be put out of his head so he could actually get a good nights sleep.

That night Gabriel made sure that he got into bed early with no disturbances.

He made sure to close all of his curtains tightly so no light whatsoever would be able to get in, to get all of his equipment and files ready for the morning and he made sure to lock his door to try and drown out any sound that might travel from the kitchen staff in the early morning.

Once he was in bed he drifted off to sleep feeling happy and content for the morning to come.

Sorry for the wait, I have terrible signal 😔
PS if anyone has any gabenath prompts please leave them in the comments 💖

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