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The next morning Nathalie had woken up and realized she didn't have her clothes with her, they were still at the agreste manor drying.

So she started getting ready for the day with her usual schedule.

5am- wake up and get out of bed
5:10-go through to her bathroom and run a boiling hot shower
5:25-get out the shower and put on makeup and brush through her wet hair
5:50- go back to her room and get dressed into her suitable work attire
6- go though to the kitchen and make herself a coffee of double espresso to try and keep herself awake throughout the day and to try and make breakfast if she felt like it
7:15-tie up her hair and pin it down into her signature bun
7:20- be out the door to be at work by 7:30

She had decided she would wear relatively the same outfit as yesterday.

She had picked out a maroon colored jumper and she kept the skirt and collared shirt the same and changed up the heals to a similar design but in a creamy shade of white.

She put on the skirt and tucked the white collared shirt and the maroon jumper into it and flipped out the collar over the cashmere fabric of the jumper.

And she had decided to pin her hair up anyway, even though Gabriel liked it down, she didn't feel like she could work substantially with it down, she would always just get distracted and would never be able to finish her work in time.

She touched up on her makeup and gathered all of her things and made her way down to the apartments parking lot, she took out her keys, unlocked her car and drove off to the manor.

Once she arrived, she quickly checked her appearance in her rear view mirror and once she was happy with how she looked she got out, grabbed her bag and climbed the stairs to the brown doors.

She opened the doors with a loud creak and looked around, she was surprised that she didn't see anyone else around, she walked through the main hall and to the atelier, she walked past Gabriels podium and he wasn't there either, she set her things down and opened up her computer and got to work pushing those thoughts aside.

A few minutes later she heard the creak of the front door, she thought that it was probably just gorilla coming back from dropping Adrien off at school, so she didn't really pay much attention to the noise or the situation.

She was still a bit confused as to were Gabriel was, she thought of getting up and asking gorilla, but she thought otherwise and decided against it, he was probably still sleeping or in his studio, she didn't want to disturb him.

She was just finishing up a stock report on the latest Christmas sales and specials when she had started to smell the strong scent of menthol, she realized that it smelt a bit like Gabriel's toothpaste.

Before she could comprehend exactly what was going on she felt the pin from her hair being pulled out and all of her black locks cascading down her back.

She whipped around furiously and saw none other than the famous Gabriel agreste, her pesky boss, who had her pin in his hand with a cheeky grin displayed all over his face.

She forcefully got up from her chair and spun around to look Gabriel dead in the eye, his smile dropped completely when he saw her eyes screaming bloody murder. But not before long his smile had returned, gleaming more then ever.

He started to back away slowly from Nathalie as she kept edging forward to him.
With his annoyingly playful grin still plastered on his face the entire time.

"Gabriel agreste, give me back my pin immediately" she said through her clenched jaw

"Ah ah ah" he said moving his finger in front of her face and then booping her on the nose.

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