Chapter 3 | Why Do I Worry?

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Adrien's P.O.V

My hands start shaking. Please, not here. Not now. But my mind doesn't care where we are.

I'm anxious. What if my dad doesn't accept me? What if Luka pushes me away? What if Ladybug changes her mind about me and she —

"Are you alright, Adrien?" Luka asks, concerned.

The report card envelope hits the floor, forgotten. Luka picks it up and looks at me.

I shake my head, because I'm not alright at all. I just realized that I didn't tell Nathalie or my bodyguard or even my dad that I was going to the park. The trouble I'll be in is —

"Just breathe, Adrien," Luka says soothingly, "I'm here, and I'm not going any time soon."

I put my head on his chest and try to control my breathing, reminding myself that there's nothing to be anxious about. When I calm down, I apologize to Luka for freaking out on him.

"Don't ever apologize again. I'm here for you," he smiles, giving me a small peck on the cheek.

"Thank you. I need to go home now," I say, standing up.

"I'll walk you," Luka says, standing up as well.

"No," I say firmly, "honestly it's better for both of us if you don't."

Luka gives me a questioning look.

"My father."

Suddenly it dawns on him. He pulls me into a hug and whispers in my ear:

"Till next time, Agreste."


The walk home is long, but it barely feels like 5 minutes. I'm on cloud nine.

However, when I enter my house, it's a completely different story.

"Nice to see you decided to grace us with your presence, Adrien," states my father coolly.

"Father, I —"

"Save it, Adrien. Just go to your room."

I'm not bothered. All I do in this house is stay in my room anyway.

I flop onto my bed blissfully, thinking about Luka. His smile. His voice. His eyes.

My phone buzzes. A message from Luka.

Luka: Thinking about you 💭😉

Adrien: Everyone does, I'm inevitable.

Luka: Shush you tease
Luka: Do you want to see that new movie, Playing With Fire?
Luka: The one with John Cena?

Adrien: Yes, but my dad will never let me watch it...
Adrien: I mean, do you want to watch it?

Luka: Obviously. John Cena brings out the gay in me.

Adrien: I'm jealous

Luka: Don't worry. You have me all to yourself 😏😏😉
Luka: I bet you all my money that you just blushed.

Adrien: You know me too well for your own good
Adrien: Honestly it's terrifying

Luka: Honey, you should be scared
Luka: Cause I'm coming for you 😱😱😱

Adrien: And I oop —
Adrien: I gtg, I need to practice on the piano 🙄

Luka: Don't be disappointed, we all know you miss me
Luka: Bye 👋

I look up from my phone and smile. Of course, I'm not actually going to practice on the piano. I asked Ladybug to meet me near the Eiffel Tower.

"Plagg, where are you?" I call out.

He's eating camenbert, but he opens his mouth to speak and the cheese all comes tumbling out. It's disgusting.

"Ew," I say.

"Great, you made me loose my cheese," states Plagg in an irritated matter.

"Plagg, claws out!"

"I didn't even get to—"


The Eiffel Tower is pretty deserted. Ladybug drops in about a minute after I arrive.

"So what was so important that you had to tell me whilst we're in the Eiffel Tower, alone?" asks Ladybug suspiciously.

Did she not get the memo? I'm not in love with her anymore.

"You know how you said you had a crush on a boy?" I ask.


"And you know how I said I liked someone else?" I follow up.

"Yeah?" Ladybug asks, growing impatient.

"I need advice," I finish.

"On what?"

"Everything. How to handle it, how to act around him, how to —"

"First of all, Chat, I have no idea why you came to me. Second of all, you're overthinking things. How close are you and this boy?" she asks.

"Well, I'd say we're good friends. Maybe more," I add.

"Well, how much more?" she asks.

"I told him I liked him, and he told me he liked me back," I tell her.

"And then...?" she trails.

"And then he kissed me. But then I had to go," I say.

"Honestly I think you're fine," Ladybug remarks.

"I guess so, but we haven't DTR'd or anything, so I don't know where I stand," I explain.

"The easiest thing to do is ask him," she says.

I nod and ask nervously, "You won't tell anyone that I'm bi, will you?"

"I won't, I promise," she smiles.

"Okay. I'll see you around, Ladybug," I conclude, extending my silver staff.


I put my head on my pillow, and I sleep the best I have in months.

The next morning is the same as yesterday.

When I'm walking into school with Nino, I'm stopped by hand on my shoulder. It's Luka.

"Hey Adrien, I realized that you forgot to take your report card back from me yesterday," he says, "but, like an idiot, I've forgotten to bring it with me today. Can you come to my house with me after school today to get it?"

I don't need to feel my face to know that I'm blushing.

"Sure. I just need to tell my bodyguard."

I run up to the car and explain my situation. My bodyguard nods his head and I tell Luka I'll meet him after school.

Nino is still waiting for me.

"Anything you'd like to tell me, bro?" he says suggestively.

"Actually, yes," I take a deep breath, "I'm bi."

"I knew it! Come on, we're gonna be late for class," Nino says. I trail after him.

Even though I don't want to admit it, I'm bouncing. Luka's invited me to his house!

The day is over in a flash. I meet Luka outside the school and we begin walking to his house.

A/N: So I've realized that their relationship is fast moving, and I'm telling you guys, it's not going to get any slower. In fact, it's only going to get faster *wink wink*

I just realized that in this story, Gabriel Agreste isn't as restrictive as in the original show, so I've decided to make it more like he's neglecting Adrien than restricting him.

Adrien is still a model, but he's going to be allowed to go out with friends without telling his father and he's still going to have photo shoots, but not as often.

Whew, it's been said now 😂😂

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