i...i lived...be okay

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I've decided that, in writing my own book, I've got to be straightforward with this. You know? Yeah, you know. Sooooo, to start, my name is Meghan Roth. I'm fourteen years old, and my life is, well, to say the least, suckish. I mean, it's okay now, but if you talked to me maybe one or two months ago, I would've told you I wanted to kill myself. Suicide was, I'm ashamed to say, considered an option. Of course, they wouldn't let that happen. They being the doctors and nurses at the s---house. The s---house being the hospital. Excuse my language...HA. Did I really just write that? But yes, I used to live in a hospital. A really famous hospital. Ocean Park. I had three total extensive stays there-cancer, anorexia, and cancer. We're on the third stay now, but I won't spoil it for you.

So, as the story goes on, you'll learn more about my life, my background, et cetera. I'd describe myself to you, but that would be boring. It wouldn't, you say? Okay then. My older brother's name is Leo. My middle name is Alisson. I have brown hair and brown eyes, and Leo and I look almost nothing alike. I'm short and my hair is longish mediumish and I have freckles and...well, now I'm rambling. I'll leave you with that to go on as we enter the story...bum-bum-bummm....


Four times a year I have to go to the hospital to get some scans done. I had cancer in my leg, and so did my brother. It's, like, extremely rare for that to happen. I'm telling you, I think our family is cursed.
I have a confession. There is still cancer in my leg, a little teeny tiny speck that couldn't be removed when I had my surgery. And yes, I got to keep my leg. I sure p--s Leo off! Chemo wouldn't work in me or my body couldn't take it or some other crap, so I couldn't have it done. I lived, though. I survived.
But the cancer is growing, spreading. Okay, now to the dialogue part. I'll set the scene: the elevator ride up to the pediatric level of the hospital. It's just my mom and I. I haven't seen Leo in three or so months. And since then, there have been some new arrivals.
"Mom, I'm nervous," I told her. She looked at me. I could see the fatigue in her eyes, in her face, her fading smile.
"You'll be okay," Mom replied. "Remember to be nice to Leo and his friends, Meg." I rolled my eyes.
"I know, Mom," I said shakily. Soon, the elevator doors opened. I stepped outside onto the level.


Immediately, I was greeted by Leo and his group of friends. I smiled.
"Hey, guys!" I called. Leo stepped forward.
"Meghan. It's been a while," he said. I nodded enthusiastically and hugged him. He hugged me back. I saw Emma, who I recognized from the last visit. We hugged and reunited, too. The only other person I recognized was Dash, who greeted me friendly. There were some new faces, though. I saw a makeup covered blonde girl and a handsome teenage boy.
"Meg, that's Jordi," Leo pointed out. I smiled and shook his hand.
"So, Jordi, what's your story?" I asked. He sighed.
"I had cancer, in my leg. But then it spread everywhere, and so now it's all over my body."
"Wow! I have cancer in my leg too! Except it sort of stays there."
"Um, hello?" The blonde girl said. "I'm pretty sure you haven't met me yet."
"Oh, yeah," Leo smirked. "That's-"
"I'm Kara, and I need a heart. If you'd like to give me yours, I'd rip it out of your chest." I swallowed, disturbed.
"I'd give it to you, but I need it just as much as you do." There was an awkward silence before I continued.
"I'm going to go walk around for a bit, you know, get reunited with the nurses and stuff. Oh, by the way, how's the coma boy doing?"
Emma sighed. "Charlie? He's still in his coma. But Nurse Jackson is all in a huff because some officials want to move him to a 'facility.' He'll be isolated and all alone. So she's trying to work things out with Dr. McAndrew-I'm sure you remember him- and Charlie's parents and everyone else to keep him here. I don't know what's going to happen, though, none of us do."
"Okay. Maybe I'll stop in his room. My mom is going to go check me in, and my appointment is at two, so I have a few hours to look around. It was nice seeing-and reuniting with-you all," I replied. Without saying anything else, I left. As I walked down the decorative main hall, I whispered reassuringly to myself, "Okay, Meghan. You're going to be okay."
I really tried to believe that.

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