night lunch...i bet my to save a life

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"This is awesome!" Asher exclaimed. I grabbed his hand and nearly dragged him over to the seating arrangement I adjusted.
"Okay, we're here," I said. "So?"
"So, this is so great. Thank you, Meghan, this is really sweet of you," Asher said. We ate silently together, looking at the stars overhead. After we finished, we sat and talked.
"Thanks for grabbing lunch," I said, then covered my mouth. "Oops! I mean dinner." We laughed softly.
"It's a night lunch," Asher told me, "how about that?" I nodded.
"It works, I guess."
We stood and walked over to the ledge of the roof, and staring down, I smiled. We were so far up off the ground. A light gust of wind made me feel like I could topple over at any second. Asher held my back, and as I stood up straight, he faced me.
"I have a lot to say right now," he told me. I shrugged.
"Go ahead."
"Here it goes: the stars are so beautiful and be careful please don't fall off the edge the food was really good and I'm surprised that they make such good food at a hospital you know and you are the first person besides doctors that I've actually talked to here but I'm glad it's you and not anybody else because you're just so easy to talk to and nice and you're gorgeous. Wait what?"
I looked at the ground, laughing and blushing, then looked at Asher.
"Have you been keeping that in your head the whole time?" I asked, a smile playing on my lips.
"Yeah. Except for the last part. I've had that in my head all along."
"Oh my God stop it. You're making me blush. That's so nice of you, Asher, really I've never had someone say anything even remotely like that to me before. It means a lot to me. Thank you."
We faced each other and stood there, the wind gently breezing, and the rain starting to fall.
"It's starting to rain," Asher said, "we should probably head inside." And in that second, the sky erupted and a total outpour burst out. And we stood there, not moving, getting literally drenched in the rain, and not caring about anything else. Asher put his hand behind my neck. He pulled me close and kissed me, and I kissed him back, and we stood there, kissing in the rain, getting soaked, and feeling the bliss of it all. And we didn't mind the water one bit.


 I woke up late the next day. In a way, I sort of dreaded seeing Asher again. I didn't know what he would think about our kiss last night. After we finished, I left immediately, not knowing what to think about it all.I really hoped that he wasn't hurt.
After getting dressed, etc. etc., I grabbed a breakfast and ate in my room. I was hoping to avoid everyone else. However, I knew that I could not forever. I guess I should have expected visitors sooner, because the nurses came around right after breakfast, accompanied by Leo. I wish there was a door in these rooms because I would shut the door and closed them out and just been alone for the day. I guess that's why they don't have doors.
Leo came in last and I turned my back as soon as I saw him. In case you were wondering, we don't really have the best history. We've had some rough times and basically we don't like each other for their experiences and memories. I know, depressing right? Well, try a day in my shoes and you'll understand.
"How're you doing?" One of the nurses asked me. I shrugged. Then, Nurse Jackson came in, wheeling something behind her.
"Meghan, look over that way," Nurse Jackson said, pointing to the lone window in my room.
"What? Why?" I asked, looking through into the distance. Suddenly, I felt a sharp pinch in my arm, and I looked over to see Nurse Jackson attaching a tube to an IV in my arm. I looked angrily at her and stared daggers at the other nurse in the room.
"Okay, seriously? You could have told me. Now I'm basically immobile for the rest of the day!" I cried.
"That was our point. Oh, and by the way, your surgery is this afternoon at three."
I gasped. I had totally forgotten.
"I know how you get, so we're giving you some stress relievers and pain meds to last you until this afternoon. Your mom called, and she'll be here for one today," Nurse Jackson said. "Now relax, sweetness, and don't worry about this afternoon." I sighed.
"Thanks. If that's all you'd like to say, then can I have a word alone with my brother, please?" I asked. Nurse Jackson nodded and left, followed by the other nurse. I stood and faced Leo.
"Talk," I said.
"I don't want to cause an argument, I just came by to wish you good luck this afternoon. I know it's going to be hard for you, but you'll make it through," Leo said, shrugging. "You have before, and you will now." I smiled.
Leo nodded and turned.
"Wait!" I cried before he was about to leave. "I just want to say that if you are willing, we can put our past behind us and move on. I bet my life it won't be easy, trust me, but I'm hopeful that we can just get along and forget the bulls--t that happened before this. Maybe not forget, but be willing to move from it and act like normal siblings to each other." Leo's face clouded. He took a breath and hesitated before saying,
"Meghan, it's not that easy. I'm sorry, but I don't think I can do that." I gasped quietly as he grabbed his crutches, turned to the doorway, and hobbled unsteadily away. I fell onto my bed, heartbroken, and sobbed. I bet my life it wouldn't be easy.
I would get him to move on.
Trust me.
I would.  


"Are you okay?" Brittany asked, helping me into an official hospital gown of blue. I looked at my bare feet, freezing on the hardwood floor of the prep room.
"I don't know." I could barely talk. My throat was so dry it felt like it was filled with sand.
"Some people are here to see you," Nurse Jackson said, appearing in the doorway with people behind her. I smiled at my mom, Dash, Kara, Emma, Leo, Asher, and a sick-looking Jordi standing there.
"Wow. Thanks guys!" I exclaimed, smiling. One at a time, they wished me good luck.
"Meghan, I love you," my mom said as everyone left the room. She hugged me. "Don't worry, okay? I'll be waiting right out here for you when you're done, and I'll be the first person you see. I promise you that." I nodded as she left.
"Yo, Meg," Dash said, rubbing his hands together as he walked in.
"Yo, Dash," I echoed. He nodded. We did our "secret handshake" before he left. Then Kara came in, texting someone, I suppose.
"Since you aren't my friend and, no, you never will be, I'm not saying a thing," she said. I laughed.
"You keep telling yourself that. When I'm ruler of the world, I'll remember that." Kara looked at me in disgust, probably not knowing I was joking.
"Likely," she muttered, and left. Next!
Emma walked in, her pretty brown hair flowing gently behind her.
"Hey," I said.
"Good luck. I'm sure you'll make it out alright. And if your brother comes in, tell him I'm not speaking to him." Then, she spun on her heel and left. Emma shoved Leo aside as she passed and nearly slammed him into a wall, until he came back and shoved Emma even harder. I prayed that they wouldn't get into a fistfight, but God told me He wasn't making any promises.
He hugged me as soon as he entered, and at first I stiffened in surprise.
"I love you, and I know you'll make it out in the end. No matter what'll be okay. I promise," Leo said encouragingly, before leaving. Then, Asher.
He came in and I looked at the ground. He made me blush, the way he looked at me like that. Like that.
"About last night..." I began. Asher nodded.
"Yeah," he replied.
"Um...well, I'm sorry I ran away from you. Like, after, you know..."
He nodded and I smiled.
"So now what?" He asked. "What now?"
"I don't know." He looked at me across from him, then pulled me close and kissed me again.
Except this time, I didn't run away.
Eventually, we had to break apart, and after he wished me good luck, etc. , he left. An ill-looking Jordi hobbled in.
"Jordi, what happened?" I asked.
"After my surgery...chemotherapy," he muttered, more to himself than to anyone else. "I just got the news."
"Wow, you're very verbose today," I joked. He didn't laugh.
"Just...good luck. You'll be okay." Then Jordi was off. Brittany walked back in.
"The doctor is waiting for you," she said.
I walked back to my room and laid on my bed as they wheeled me to the surgery room.
"Don't be nervous, Meghan," the doctor said. I shook. "Think of something good, a good time in your life, as we put this mask on," Dr. McAndrew said in the room. I thought of being out of the hospital and pursing my now-impossible dream.
"I'm thinking of my lifelong dream."
"Good. Now...Count down from ten."
The mask was on.
I was feeling lightheaded.
The last thing I heard was from Dr. McAndrew to his coworkers:
"People, now, this is how to save a life, part one."
Yes, yes it is.
I couldn't finish the number. I was already asleep.

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