Christmas Special

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Word Count: 2741

Mapep: Hello everyone and a Merry Christmas! Welcome to this Christmas Special!
Now, I had no idea what to do and I didn't want to make a Christmas special based on one character, sooooooooooo, I invited all of them here to make this horrible monster of a chapter! :D
I'll just tour you around and we'll have a grandiose time! *Mutters under their breath* Hopefully.
If you'll take a quick look around the room you will see that most everyone is gathered here! Friend or Foe, it does not matter because it is Christmas and that means peace!

Ichigo: Hey, Author-san! Why are we here again?

Mapep: Becaauusee Ichigo, I said so. And this is my book so you have no choice. *Smirks evilly*

Rukia: Ichigo! We got invited to a Christmas party so lighten up for once will you?!

Mapep: Ha! 'Lighten' up! Get it? Cause of Christmas lights?

Ichigo: *Deadpans* She's a terrible pun lover?

Mapep: S-So what if I am!? If you're not careful, I'm not gonna give you your present, Strawberry!"

Ichigo: You got me a present?

Mapep: Yeah, I got everyone a present. Although no one has noticed yet. *Pouts*

Rukia: That is so nice of you! I was afraid people would forget presents were a part of Christmas!

Ichigo: You already got a present, what are you whining about?

Rukia: Ichigo! Can't you see that I'm being nice here?!

Mapep: *Cuts in before it can get too out of hand* Alright, let's go open the presents! *Pushes Rukia over to the tree* Here you go!

Rukia: This is.... A giant stuffed animal Chappy?!? *Sparkles in her eyes as she looks at it*

Mapep: I hope you enjoy it! And as for you Ichigo... here.

Ichigo: It's... blank?

Mapep: That is right! I had absolutely no idea what to give you except a keychain and since that is a horrible gift, I'm going to leave it open. That is the magic of writing, I can just ignore it and it should be fine. Just pretend you really like it!

Ichigo: Oh uuh, wow thanks Author-san, for the gift?

Mapep: You are welcome!

Shinji: Hey, Author-chan!

Mapep: Hey Shinji! How are you doing?

Shinji: Pretty good, pretty good. It is Christmas after all.

Hiyori: Hey baldy! *Drop kicks Shinji in the face* Stop blabbering and just say what you want to say!

Shinji: Hiyori! It's Christmas, you can't hit me!

Hiyori: I didn't hit you, idiot. I kicked you!

Shinji: Same thing!

Hiyori: No it isn't!

Mapep: O-Okay, Shinji, what is it you want to ask me?

Shinji: Ah yes, me and all the other Visored were wondering when you are going to write about us. :)

Mapep: A-Ah, I'll try my best! Right now I just sort of, write whatever I feel like and sometimes that is Ukitake or Kyōraku and sometimes it is Aizen.

Shinji: Yeah about that; how come Aizen already has 3 stories while the rest of us have none?

Mapep: Well you see that's-

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