Chad x Reader - Crush

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Word Count: 2445

Requested By: KianaGomez8

"You have had a crush on Chad for quite some time now. It's time you do something about it!" Tatsuki punched you in the arm as she said that.

The two of you were walking back from some after-school training that you were helping her with and somehow, the topic of conversation had turned to Chad, or more specifically, your feelings for him.

"Easier said than done." You sighed. "I've tried." Tatsuki raised her eyebrow in a look that screamed disbelief. "I have!" You defended yourself. "I just... every time I try, I chicken out."

"So, we have to get you to a situation where you can't."

"Oh no!" You immediately turned to your friend. "You are not going to set up some crazy scenario! If you do, I can guarantee I will not confess! And I will do that just to spite you!"

Tatsuki crosses her arms and shrugged. "Well, then you have to do it on your own, Y/N. Anyways, I gotta get home, see ya!" With that, Tatsuki turned away from you, waving behind her as she went. You waved back until you couldn't see her before looking into the sky, quickly turning and going into the school.

- - - -

You were walking along the hallways of Karakura High. The sun was already setting and you were still at school, jeez - did you even have a life? As you looked out the window however, you got that same uneasy feeling that you got earlier in the day. That feeling was the whole reason why you stayed at school until now.

It felt as if something was lurking out there. Waiting for you.

"Y/N? Why are you still here?"

You looked up with a start from your staring out the window to see your teacher stand in front of you with some folders under her arm and a hand on her hip.

"Ah, I was just... Just..." You started with an awkward smile, unsure on how to explain yourself but the teacher waved her hand with a deadpan look

"Ah, don't answer that. You should just go home."

"Yes Ma'am." You gave a curt nod and promptly turned on your heel, speed-walking down the hall so that you could go home; only stopping for a second to glance one last look outside at the setting sun, that feeling still in the pit of your stomach.

- - - -

You were walking through the streets, clutching your school bag close to your chest. The sun had set by now but the feeling hadn't moved away.

As you looked around yourself, you could swear that there were things moving all around you. A black shadow darting around a corner here, an object whizzing over your head there.

You were about to write it off as paranoia and try to speed-walk home, when something large and heavy landed on your shoulder.

In a reaction that was more instinct than actual thought, you spun around and slammed your bag into the creature as hard as you could.

A loud 'thumpf!' Sound could be heard as it made impact and you looked up, eyes wide, only to realise it was not what you thought it was.

Right behind you, stood Chad - holding your bag from when he blocked it from hitting his face.

"Chad!" You exclaimed, partly in surprise and partly in relief. "I'm really sorry!"

"That's alright."

Chad let go of your bag and you brought it back down to your chest, hugging it. Your heart was racing from adrenaline and you took a deep breath to try and calm it down, hugging your bag even closer.

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