Chapter 2 of Page 1. Part 2: Lock-in

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My body jerks up, and I look around.

Mrs. Lopez gazes down at me. "Hey, there, Junior." She said.

"What happened?" I asked her tiredly. She looks at me with hurt eyes and starts to explain what happened to me.

"Some random student saw you and brought you to the school nurse. Then someone from our pack brought you here. I fixed you up so nothing to worry about just a few bruised ribs. Your wolf should be able to heal you faster." She said, looking at her clipboard. I looked at her stomach. She wasn't big yet.

"How long have I been out?" I ask. She looks down at her lap and smiles sadly at it; she then looks at me and places her hand on my shoulder.

" Two years." She said. I started to breathe heavily, and she snorted.

"I'm just messing with you Junior for a couple of hours." My mouth opened wide at her.

"Mrs. Lopez!" I yelled out.

She chuckles. "I thought I told you to call me Ma." She hugs me and tells me to go back upstairs. When I walked upstairs, I saw Luna with Loki.

"Good afternoon Luna, Alpha," I said. Loki's brown and blue eyes look pleased as he looks up at me. He was drawing, but I wasn't sure what it was. I walked over to him and sat beside him on the wooden floor.

"What are you drawing?" I asked, and he told me to wait and watch. After a few minutes, he held it up. It was a stick figure of two people and two circles. One circle was large and dark with red eyes; the other one was small and brown with two different shades of blue and brown. One stick figure was black with red eyes, and the other was black with blue and brown eyes.

" Aww, who did you draw?" I ask, pointing at the small figure he drew.

"That's me, and the other is you." He said, and I was in awe.

" What about the larger circle?" I ask.

He then giggled. " That's my wolf, well what I want my wolf to look like and the larger wolf is yours." He said.

I stare at him in confusion but quickly replace it with a smile. Even though my wolf doesn't look like that I was happy he drew me. I looked more closely at the picture he drew, and at the very top, it said Best friends forever.

" Loki, you're sweet," I said.

He gave me the picture and I smiled. He was such a good brother. I wish I had him as my brother. After folding it into my wallet, my phone started ringing. I told Loki to hold on for a moment while I took my phone call and stepped out into the backyard to answer it.

Kate sighs angrily on the phone.

"I can't believe Lora said she had something else to do with that bitch; you know the one you call a sister," Kate says with anger.

"I mean that whore got nothing on us, okay, and what is up with Lee hanging around Lora as if he owns her?" She yells, and I roll my eyes.

"And what the hell is Lora doing? Smiling at those dirty whores! I mean, we're her real fucking friends and do YOU know where Kenny was? Cause I don't!" She said while on the phone. I rolled my eyes. I knew Kate would act like this, and she always gets worked up when someone blows her off to do something else.

"Look, Lora is still our friend; she is just wanting to get on Rose's good side," I said, which caused Kate to murmur on the phone.

" Fine, but where's Kenny? I hadn't texted him all day and when I did he ignored me!" She questioned angrily and I chuckled.

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