Chapter 10

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Louis comes into the room with a bounce in his step and sits on Niall's back while he's laying on his stomach on Louis' couch. 'Get off me you fat ass.' Niall laughs, but Louis doesn't move. 'Hey, be nice. You're in my house.' 'You should be nice to me. I'm the guest.' Louis scoffs him, but still doesn't move. 'Nice bruise.' Niall points to a bruise on Louis' forearm. 'Oh Yeah. Harry was here last night.' 'Kind of rough with you yeah?' 'Eh, whatever. It's supposed to be rough. It's sex not making love.' Niall snorts at Louis' antics.

He's slightly discouraged over the bruise, but if Louis doesn't care then he doesn't. 'If you get off right now, I'll buy the first round of drinks tonight at the bar.' Louis immediately jumps off Niall and the couch making him snicker triumphantly. Niall sits up as Louis clames the single chair a few feet away. 'Just so you know Harry will be meeting us there.' 'I kind of figured. Whatever. It's not a really big deal to be around him anymore.' 'Wow. Step up I see.'

Louis shrugs as Niall goes into the kitchen for something to eat. 'We had this weird conversation the other night. He was at the bar with you and he drunkenly called me. He said he respected me and shit. Really bizarre.' 'Oh yeah. He kept going on about how he felt like an asshole. Harrys really not a bad guy Lou.' 'No I know. I guess he isn't. it's actually bearable to be around him now.' 'Well I'm glad you two finally aren't at each other's throats. It was getting hard trying to hang out with the both of you, but not at the same time.'

'I would still prefer not to hang out with him Ni.' Louis says as he flips himself so his feet are over the back of the chair and his head is hanging upside down. 'But if we have to be around each other, we're not going to be all pissy now I suppose.'

'Speaking of pissy,' Niall comes back into the living room with a bag of crisps, 'Don't you have homework or studying or something? Finals are coming up.' 'Why did pissy remind you of that?' 'Because you always get pissy when you can't study.' Louis throws a nearby pillow at him that Niall dodges. 'No. I got everything done before Liam and Zayn went out for their dumb date night.' 'Good. But just so you know, not finding some bloke tonight. I don't want to be ditched at the bar like with the museum.'

'But the museum wasn't me, it was Harry.' 'Regardless.' Louis groans, 'Fine.' He guesses he can have fun without having sex tonight. 'But same to you.' 'I', not into blokes, but obviously I won't.' Niall throws the pillow back at Louis and actually gets him in the face. Louis flips him off, making Niall cackle.

Louis is already six shots and two beers in and the two have only been there for an hour. Niall isn't complaining or trying to stop him. He's even deeper than Louis. They're just trying to have a good time and Louis has to refrain from all the times someone has come up to him and asked to takes his ass home. He promised Niall he wouldn't even though he has no clue where Niall is at the moment. That doesn't mean Louis can't dance with some rather hot blokes does it?

He's got a beer in one hand and his ass backed up into someone's crotch. He hasn't seen Harry yet, but Niall said he wouldn't be able to make it until eleven when his shift at the café was done. It was a little past eleven so he should be here soon. Louis was enjoying his time right now and didn't want Harry to ruin it by pissing him off. He's hoping he doesn't see the curly haired lad tonight.

Louis feels the boy, he was dancing with, leave just then. So he turns around to tell him to stay, but he's met a different face. Louis gags on the smell of tequila on his breath. Who the fuck drinks tequila? The guy takes a rough hold of Louis' biceps as he speaks into his ear. 'Told you little friend to beat it. Why don't we take this back to my place yeah?' His voice brings a shiver down Louis' spine.

Louis will admit this guy is particularly fit and definitely good looking, but he knows the bad ones from the good ones, and this guy was bad news. 'No thanks.' Louis steps away. 'Not looking for anything tonight.' The guy brings him back in, 'The way you were shaking your ass against your friend would tell me otherwise.' 'He's not my friend. I didn't even know him, but I was having a good time with him, until you rudely told him to leave.'

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