Chapter 4

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(TW for swearing)

Adora's house sat atop a grassy hill. Even in the pouring rain, it sat effortlessly, fresh-cut lawn and everything. Adora knocked on the door, breathless. She had beat Catra to the house.  The family dog, Swift Wind barked and scratched against the wooden door. 

Catra hated dogs.

"Down Swifty!" Adora hollered as her mother opened the door.

"Catra and Adora! My two favorite people."

"Hi." Catra smiled sheepishly.

When the two girls were seated comfortably in the dining room, Adora's brother Adam burst in.

Adora's brother towered over Catra like a beanstalk, a classic football player physique. Adora and Adam were practically twins in their tall, blonde, perfectness.

"I heard what happened on the bus today." He growled.

Adora's mom set some groceries on the countertop. "Please, Adam."

"When I fight in the final battle, I'll kill more Horde soldiers then anybody!"

"Don't forget Glimmer's parents. They'll settle the score." Adora egged him on.

"My own baby sister, ambushed by those motherfuckers."


"Sorry. Adora, what do you say you help me practice?'

"Sure, want to be my cheerleader Catra?"

The brunette nodded, not entirely excited to see Adora get her ass kicked.

Underneath the canopy, Adora had already punched Adam breathless. The two pushed each other back and forth before Adora sent her brother tumbling to the ground. She let him get to his feet before she sticking her tongue out at him and kicked him in the crouch.

"Go, Adora!" Catra laughed heartily as Adam lept up and tossed Adora over his shoulder. "My little sister, princess of power!" He used his free hand to toss Catra over his other shoulder and ran them around the yard. The girls giggled and screamed as Swift Wind began to chase them. 

Adam set the girls down as they walked back into the kitchen. Adora looked over at Catra. 

"What are you thinking about?"

"Princess. I think it suits you, dont'cha think?"

Adora punched her lightly on the shoulder. "Get over yourself." She laughed.

Finally, Adora's dad burst through the door, briefcase in hand. "Honey, I'm home!"

Catra blinked hard, nearly certain she had stumbled into some 90's sitcom.

"Hey, dad!" Adora and Adam embraced their father.

"There are my little warriors! Practicing for the arena?"

Adora went silent, but Adam continued to speak.

"I'm ready for the battle right now, those criminals deserve to feel my wrath!

"That's my boy! When you get to the arena-"

"Can we please not talk about this anymore?" Catra interjected, finally annoyed with war-talk.

"Catra's right, darling." Adora's mom motioned everyone to the dinner table.

Catra looked at the clock. "I really should be heading home, thanks for everything." 

Adora smiled sadly. "Bye Catra."

"Bye Adora."

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