Chapter 9

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The day of the battle had turned out to more exciting then Adora had ever imagined. Families wrapped their teens in armor and good luck charms, the police of every street to check for hidden weapons. Adam had been ready in his armor since sunrise, a tattoo of a sword peeking from his metal shoulder guard. Adora hugged him tightly as Glimmer and Bow showed up. 

"C'mon Adora, we're gonna be late!"

The three of them took off, but not before Adora checked for any sign of Catra.

She promised herself that when this was all over, she would get Catra out of there.

Where the hell is she?

"Adora!" Glimmer waved her down to a seat. Glimmer was right. They were scarily close to the action. She stood as the national anthem played, then worried about Catra some more.

Glimmer's mother, Angella raised the pink Brightmoon flag, signaling the beginning of the battle. Children and vendors ran across the bleachers behind them.

Adora knew she should be looking, but felt her eyes drop to the floor.

5 Horde soldiers down.

1 Brightmoon soldier down

13 Horde soldiers down.

Glimmer giggled and cheered, but she stopped dead when she saw the remaining Horde soldier. She shook Adora violently.

"Oh my God."  Adora clasped her hands over her mouth.

There stood Catra, raging on a Brightmoon soldier.

She was fighting for the Horde.

"There has to be some kind of mistake!" Adora cried.

"The only mistake was riding a bus with that  bitch."

A voice arose from behind them. "I heard she set off those gunshots the other day. Had the audacity to run away after shooting a man's eye out!"

The protester. Adora gasped.

Then, the glimmer of golden armor appeared. 

"Adam!" Adora screamed. Her voice blended into the cheer of the crowd.

Adam looked at Adora then to Catra, confused.

Then he understood.

He swung at Catra more then Adora could bare to look at. He took his hand behind his back and used the other hand to choke her. His other arm shook and slapped her.

Adora had taught him that trick.

Catra went limp.

Adam went back to the stands as the crowds cheered. Even Bow clapped.

Angella belted into the microphone.

"The last Horde member is down.

The last Horde member is down.

The last Horde member is down."

"No." Adora whispered.

Catra lay on the left side of the arena, chest heaving. The initial numbness had already worn off, and she was now aware of how terribly she had lost.

Her blood was everywhere.

Adora climbed out of the stands as Angella was clearing everyone. She knocked over drinks and snacks, shoving through her friends sitting in the front seats.

Despite the protest, she ran to Catra. The tan soil was red now.

"Catra, why would you do this?" Adora trembled.

Catra struggled. "Hordak, the leader he said he would give us money, we could be safe and never go hungry again."

 "He was a liar and had my father sent to be killed by your family in the arena. I don't know about everyone else but, my dad never wanted to- I never wanted to hurt anyone ."

"I know, I know you didn't." Adora cradled Catra's face in her hands. No one could help her now.

Catra went silent for a few minutes

"Adora, I can't see."

Adora checked. Catra's eyes are cloudy and gray, deeply wounded.

It's okay, cause I know where we are. We're right by the ocean, just you and me . Adora chuckled nervously as she fibbed. 

"I-it hurts..."

"It's okay. I'm right here."

Adora held her head up to smile at Catra, laughing sweetly for Catra. She smiled as she held her twinkling blue eyes above her girlfriend's clouded ones. Catra soft breaths ceased. 

Adora stopped laughing but continued to smile. She smiled as she wiped her bloodied hands on her shirt, as she ran past Glimmer and Bow, past her parents, the host and the crowd that was forming. She smiled as she ran out of the arena, even as she sped her car down the roads.

Adora parked her car by the entrance of the beach.

Then collapsed against the shoreline, and sobbed.

Adora's Lament (A Catradora AU)Where stories live. Discover now