❗ 𝙧𝙖𝙮 • 𝙩𝙤𝙜𝙚𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧

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!¡Manga Spoilers¡! - read at your own risk
1002 words

Goldy Pond. A secret hunting ground where aristocratic demons have fun, hunting children down. But this place was about to go down. Lord Bayon and the rest of the other demons were deceased, but one remained. Leuvis was now going on face to face with Emma and the rest of the Goldy Pond group. The plan commenced. Leuvis was currently blinded by the flash bomb. His senses were affected. He couldn't see well, but he could hear clearly.

The geezer and Ray arrived, and started to help work the plan. As the battle was going on, Ray didn't realize that Leuvis was behind him, and he got captured. Leuvis was ready to eat this premium quality meat, but someone saved Ray. Who was it?

[Ray POV]
Damn it! I got captured. This demon isn't going to think twice about gobbling me up. Quick! I need to find a way to escape. What if I-

Before he could even formulate an escape route, Leuvis' hand was slashed off, leaving Ray to fall to the ground. He was perplexed, confused, and shocked. Who was this person that saved him?

Y/N: Are you alright?

She said as she was helping him get up.

Y/N: Quickly! His regeneration may have a limit, but we still have to run. Let's go!

Ray was left speechless. This person saved his life, and he couldn't even thank her properly. He wasn't only shocked because this girl saved him, but he was struck by her beauty. This wasn't the time for any of that love stuff, but to him, she truly was pretty. What do you call that? 'Love at first sight'? Is it? That's what he felt at that exact moment. They got inside one of the houses and caught their breaths. Emma and the rest were holding them off. The two regulated their breathing.

Y/N: I'm sorry if I couldn't properly introduce myself. I'm Y/N.
Ray: I'm Ray. I'm also sorry if I haven't thanked you yet. Thank you. You saved my life.
Y/N: No problem. It's my duty to help anyways. We're to escape this place, together.

The word echoed through his mind. Together.

The battle continued. Leuvis' mask broke, and that's where the actual fight starts. After a long time of fighting, Leuvis was finally defeated. The group rejoiced in victory, but quickly rushed to their wounded allies. The best way was to take them to the shelter, especially Emma, who was in a critical state. Yuugo (He's the geezer lmao) offered to take Emma through the shortcut, for she was the one in most need of healing. Ray was hesistant in leaving his friend with the man who tried to kill them initially. But Ray agreed nonetheless.

As Yuugo carried Emma off through the shortcut, the other group started to go through the long path. Ray lead the group, and Y/N was beside him.

Y/N: I told you we would escape together!
Ray: I believed that we would anyways.
Y/N: You know, you're a good person Ray. You were pretty worried about Emma.
Ray: Well, I grew up with her. Ever since Norman left, she and the rest of the other escapees, were the only ones I had left.
Y/N: Well... you've got me now. You've got us!
Ray: Really?
Y/N: Yes! We're part of your family now! Well, hopefully you accept us into your family.
Ray: Knowing Emma, she has already accepted you in.

Months later...

The Goldy Pond group moved in with the Grace Feild escapees in the shelter. They were happy. They were a family. Their bond with each other progressed and developed, and so did Ray's feelings for Y/N. For a 13 year old, love was not an agenda, but Ray couldn't help feeling something for her. She was brave, smart, and pretty. She was kind and charming as well, and her positive personality added to the features that made Ray fall for her. He never told anyone about this, not even Emma. Confessing? He thought about it, but it was a pretty dumb idea. But, something unexpected happened.

Y/N: Hey Ray.
Ray: Yeah?
Y/N: I have something to tell you.
Ray: Hm? What is it?
Y/N: I like you.

He couldn't believe what he just heard. Y/N liked him? But he didn't want to jump into conclusions. Though he couldn't stop his cheeks from being tinted red.

Ray: I-I like you too.
Y/N: No. I like like you. You know what? Screw it. I love you.
Ray: I-

Before he could even speak, she kissed his lips, and shut him up. If his cheeks were red before, now it's even more red. He was shocked, but he didn't push her away. He just melted into it. A few seconds later, she pulled away.

Y/N: See. You like me too. I guess we're dating now.
Ray: Hey-

Again, before he could finish his sentence, she scurried off to the other children, smiling.

Ray couldn't help but smile himself. The smile was basically plastered on his face, even until dinner.

Y/N: Hey, you still have that snile on your face.
Ray: Well, I'm happy.
Y/N: I know what can make that smile last longer.
Ray: What?
Y/N: I love you~♡

And a kiss to the cheek was the last thing he remembered before they head to bed. He was beyond happy. They were together after all.


I love this😢 It's so sweet. But honestly, I would be Y/N. I'd just kiss Ray out of nowhere- and tell him we're dating🤪

Again, too much spoilers for an early chapter. I'm sorry. I love the manga- I- I couldn't hold myself :')
Hope you enjoyed anyways!

A message from me to you:
READ THE MANGA✊🤩😂 It's for your own sake!

Headcanons may start coming soon ;)

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