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The group walks through the forest with no other issue so far. The entire time, Gwaine keeps rambling about something. Like he is trying to distract himself from something. Probably the extreme dangers of the quest at hand. Everyone either teases him or just ignores him. Especially when goes to a beehive for honey. Ava just focuses on the path in front of them. It was too small for horses, so they have to walk the rest of the way. Arthur slows down just a bit and walks beside his sister.

"Merlin will be okay," he promises her. Though it sounds like he is trying to reassure himself as well. She remembers the spell that she cast before he left. Nothing major, just one to keep the cloak warm enough to keep him somewhat warm till they get to Camelot. She doesn't respond, just pushes forward. She leads the way, knowing that they need to hurry to end the problem. The traveling group ends up near a set of caves. 

"Oh no," Gwaine states. "Don't Wilddeoren live there?"

"Gaia Berries will mask our scent," Arthur states. "These also will cut time off of our journey. Though you are more than welcomed to take the long way around."

The screams start again and Gwaine concludes he wants to just go on through the caves. Everyone gabs the berries near the entrance of the caverns, smashing against their skin. The smell is horrid, but should help them. The prince lights the torch and the group pulls out their swords. They enter the caves and start moving through the tunnels. Arthur seems to know the way, considering the fact he used them to save Gwen before hand. 

So this would be familiar to him. The group hurries down the path, trying to get out quickly. A harsh screech fills their ears. Everyone drops down, pressing their backs against the stone wall. A large rodent with lack of hair runs past them. It turns around and presses Gwaine back, sniffing him. The knight stabs the creature, killing it. He notices how angry everyone looks when he pushes it off of him. 

"What?" he asks. "I killed it."

"They hunt in packs," Ava states. A couple more Wilddeoren start running towards them. The group quickly rushes out of the cave and into the dying daylight. Ava slaps Gwaine upside the head once they are safe from the giant rodents. The group hurry towards a river, gathering the wood for fire. Arthur hands his sister the torch.

"Go and bathe," he orders. She rolls her eyes, walking so far down where the men won't see her. She removes all her armor and clothing before entering the cool running river. She scrubs the smashed berries off of her. Water orbs start to float up and she sees the face of women in them. One floats by her.

"We were told to let you know Merlin will be okay," she states. "We are Vilia. Spirits of the river. When the veil was torn, every type were set free, good and evil."

She looks around at the sight.

"Merlin and Lancelot are safe?"

"Yes. My sisters are their now, watching them."

"Thank you."

"You realize your brother will sacrifice himself."

"I won't let that happen."

The spirits leave her alone. She puts on her clothes quickly before hurrying to meet with the others. The knights are clean and a fire is roaring. Everyone is sitting on the opposite side of Gwaine. She smirks before sitting by Leon.

"Even she won't sit by me?" Gwaine asks. "I am the Slayer of Wilddeoren. I think I deserve some respect."

"Your socks are on fire, Slayer," the red head points out. He quickly puts the flames out before he looses his socks. Eventually Ava falls asleep. 

She is standing in a woods with a metal box and black wheels there. Two men are fighting. Three others of various ages arrive to see the fight. They are dressed in clothes she has never seen before. She can feel the air live with magic. A woman runs out, sending the two men backwards. One looking into the reflection of the black vehicle.

"Stop it," she cries. She has the same physical features as Ava. Her shirt reveals her belly button, which contains a blue jewel. Her auburn curls cut short and her blue eyes are exactly like Merlin's. An open shirt with blue squares on it, pants out of a material the princess does not recognize, and black boots. A tattoo is slightly visible. On her hand is an iron ring with a moonstone. For some reason, Ava is drawn to that ring.

"You have magic?" one of the guys on the side asks.

"Sorry," she cries. The one that hit the vehicle turns and kills the other three men without blinking. The girl holds her hand up, muttering spells. Her eyes glow gold as she uses magic to hold the two living men down.

"Who do you think you are?" the tallest growl. "Do you know who I am?"

"I am Crystal Emrys Wyllt. And you are in the body of my friend. So return to your cage, Lucifer." The man starts seeming to have internal fight as a portal, created by Crystal, opens up. "I know you're still in there, Sammy. But keep in mind, I will not let you destroy Earth."

 He manages to push her out out of the way and knocking her unconscious. He knocks himself and the other man into the portal before it closes. Only leaving the four bodies and Ava watching. She knows fairly well it is the girl's words that brought Sam back enough to sacrifice himself.

Ava sits up with a shaky breath. No way did she just have a vision. But it would explain the items she didn't recognize. The other knights are starting to stir, so they continue along the path to the Isle of the Blessed. They eventually arrive at a body of water with a rowboat. Only big enough for two. The Pendragon siblings row across. She keeps quiet, unwilling to mention the dreams to her brother. They hit shore soon enough and head into the ruins. Inside is an old woman dressed in ragged clothes. Behind her is a tear in the veil. 

"You know what it takes to close the veil, correct?" the woman asks.

"I do," Arthur states, stepping forward. "For my people, I would risk anything."

The woman raises her hand, as if to tell him to come here. However, Ava uses this moment to knock her brother unconscious. She catches him, laying him on the ground.

"But I will do it," she states, standing up.

"No," she hears. The lady turns to see Merlin and Lancelot running in. Merlin grabs her before looking at the woman. "I'll do it."

"Even if you wish it," the old woman states, "your time among man is not over. For both of you. You have a legacy to create either way."

Lancelot takes this opportunity to step into the veil himself. This closes the tear as Arthur wakes up. He stares in horror at the spot. The woman disappears as well. The three left hurry back to the others. The remaining men go back to Camelot as a solemn group. Once back, it takes no time to prepare a pyre. Ava lays a cloak and sword on top before her brother lights it. The citizens of the city watches the wood burn with the cloak. All that would remain is the burnt sword once finished. Just as all that will be left of Lancelot is the memories of the people here.

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