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The sun rises and the Pendragon siblings prepare for the battle. Merlin helps tighten the armor while Ava grabs the sword hanging over the chair. Once the king is ready for battle, he looks at his sister.

"If anything is to happen to me-"

"Nothing will," she interrupts, not wanting to think about it. 

"But if it does, you are to be in charge of what is left of Camelot."

She holds back her tears, looking her brother in the eye.

"The idea will be unnecessary because you will reign victor and our home will be safe. As long as you are true to yourself."

He nods his head and the three head out of the royal tent. The trio walk through the camp. The knights quickly join and everyone follows their king to the battle field. On the opposing side is Queen Annis and her men. The sun beats down on everyone, but only two move. The two fighters enter the center. Arthur pulls out his sword, sizing up his opponent. A man almost twice his size and clearly has fought multiple battles. 

The two clash swords and start to fight. The only noise is the clanging of metal as they fight. Arthur starts to get the upper hand of the duel until he seems to be weighed down by his sword. He can barely raise his weapon enough to block the strikes of his opponent. The king is knocked to the ground and is barely holding on.

"Something isn't right," the red head states, watching in horror.

"Magic," Merlin barely mutters. She just barely heard him. She looks over to see his eyes glow gold as he quietly counters the spell on Arthur's sword. The young king starts being able to control the challenge once again. He manages to get back on his feet and fight off the attacker. He disarms the man opposing him. The giant warrior gets forced to his knees and Arthur's sword is pointing at his throat. The king glances up at his sister for a moment before lowering his blade and walking away.

"Long live the king," Ava shouts in joy. He had won their home safety once again. Others in the Camelot forces join in. "Long live the king! Long live the king!"

Queen Annis steps out of the crowd and towards the young ruler. Camelot's fighters quiet down so the two monarchs can discuss the terms they have made. Annis seems impress with how Arthur handled the situation at hand. Curious as ever, Ava heads down to join the two.

"I was just informing your brother how he may make a great king," Annis informs her. "Especially with you has adviser."

"Thank you," the princess responds. 

"As agreed upon, there will be no war. May peace be with you two."

"And to you too."

The three return to their armies to order everyone to return to their homes. The tents and camp are taken and down ad packed up. Everyone mounts their horses and head for Camelot. Men go off to go to their homes to celebrate with their families. Once the horses clop into the city. Citizens gather around, cheering on the victory. Arthur, Ava, and Merlin ride beside each other.

"They think you are a hero," Merlin smirks.

"And what about you?" Arthur laughs.

"I don't. I know the truth."

"And what is that?"

"That you are a clotpole."

Ava chuckles before asking, "What about me?"

"You are a hero for coming up with an idea to save the kingdom."

The princess chuckles as they ride back to the castle. Arthur quickly dismounts his horse and head into the palace. He is on a mission, probably to see Gwen. Ava dismounts her steed, handing the reigns over to a servant. Merlin excuses himself before running after the king. Soon people start gathering around the Lady, requesting for information on everything that happened. The head cook rushes out, looking worn out.

"I hope you are aware I am preparing a feast tonight," she states.

"You should let the king know," the red head states. The older woman agrees before going off. Ava finally gets away and makes it into her chambers. She pulls off all of her armor and stretch. Grabbing a random dress, she goes behind the fold screen to change. There is a knock before the door opens. She pokes her head around to see her brother. He quickly turns and closes the door. The king just stares in the direction of the wall.

"I came to inform you about the celebration everyone is insisting on."

"Okay. Get out."


He hurries out just as Gwen enters. It is hilarious in her opinion how he can be a brave fighter but shy sometimes. Gwen hands her a different dress to change into. A red one that is tighter up top and looser at the bottom. Gwen agrees to use one of Ava's for tonight. Once dress, Ava puts on a little bit of jewelry while Gwen handles the mess of curls on her head. As she pulls on her shoes, they can see crowds celebrating outside. 

he two hurry out of her chambers and down towards the dining hall. Merlin intercepts Ava, wrapping his hands on her waist, pulling her to a stop. She laughs and the two kiss. Gwen slips off towards the party. Music and cheer can be heard where they are in the hallway. Merlin pulls away and pulls something out of his jacket pocket.

"I was hoping that you would agree to us being open with everyone on our relationship."

He holds out a ring. The same one she saw in the vision before. 

"Yes," she smiles. "Yes."

He slides the ring on her finger and the two kiss each other. They head into the dining hall. People are dancing and enjoying the night. The young couple join with the others and they dance hand in hand. Cheers fill the night as everyone drinks, feast, and dance. 

Arthur smiles at his sister and servant, raising a goblet towards them. Gwen walks over, looking radiant as ever. He smiles and offers her a glass of wine.

"Isn't usually my job to pour drinks?" she jokes. 

"Tonight it isn't," he responds. The two look at the couple dancing.

"She didn't have a ring on before we left," the maiden states.

"I know. Merlin had that one custom made. I think Elyan helped with it actually. And he may or may not have been given access to the vaults for the stone."

"They seem happy."

"And I would want nothing less."

"And what about us?"

"I want us to be happy as well. If you want that as well."

Gwen smiles at the thought.

"Of course I do."

He smiles at her as they continue to drink. There is a reason for cheer tonight. 

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