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Corey followed Professor Dumbledore, Professor Snape, and Professor Slughorn back to Dumbledore's office while Professor McGonagall escorted Harry, Hermione, and Ginny back to Gryffindor tower, whatever that was. As they moved through the castle, Corey did her best to take everything in. If she didn't believe in magic before, she definitely did now. The staircases moved every so often. The paintings moved too and spoke, and they unsubtly gossiped about Corey as she passed by. Suits of armor were scattered throughout the halls with the occasional statue.

"What do you think?" Professor Slughorn inquired. He looked at Corey like he was a scientist examining her under a microscope.

"It's very castle-y," Corey replied.

By the time they made it to Dumbledore's office, Professor McGonagall was waiting for them by a statue of a gargoyle. Dumbledore said loudly, "Blood lollipops," and the gargoyle stepped aside to reveal a circular staircase that slowly wound up towards the top of the tower. Corey smirked, impressed. She couldn't help but feel like she knew someone who would appreciate this architectural detail.

The five of them ascended the staircase which brought them to a set of oak doors, which Dumbledore merely pushed open and ushered them through. His office was incredible. Little trinkets and curios everywhere, towering bookcases filled to the brim, walls lined with moving portraits, another circular staircase that presumably went to living quarters, and-

"Is that a phoenix?" Corey gasped, running over to the bird. Its bright and colorful plumage popped against the stone pillar it was positioned against. It eyed her apprehensively.

"His names is Fawkes," Dumbledore replied. Corey reached her hand out. Fawkes inspected it, then brushed against her palm as a sign of acceptance. Corey grinned and pet him for a moment before she realized the adults had all stationed themselves by what had to be Dumbledore's desk. They looked like they were waiting for her, so she bid Fawkes a quick goodbye and rushed to take the seat Professor Snape had gestured to.

"I understand you have amnesia," Dumbledore started. While he spoke, Professor Slughorn prepared tea for them. "Do you remember anything?"

Corey nodded and shifted in her seat. "Yes, sir. I remember my name, obviously, and I remember that before I woke up on the train here, I was in a cab in New York, and I think it was summer." Professor Slughorn handed her a cup of piping hot tea. She blew on it and sipped hesitantly. It was good. She downed it quickly. She set the teacup down on Dumbledore's desk as a serene state washed over her.

"Is that really all you remember?" Dumbledore pressed, leaning forward in his chair.

"Yep," Corey said, giggling ever so slightly. "Well, I sort of remember a name and a bit of a face. Percy. I think he looks like that Harry kid."

Professor McGonagall stood behind Dumbledore, arms crossed over her chest. "Are you in any way associated with Lord Voldemort?"

Corey furrowed her brow. "Who?" The adults visibly relaxed. They clearly weren't fans of this Lord Voldemort guy. He sounded evil.

"You seem to have a fixation on Harry," Professor Slughorn chimed in. "Why is that?"

"It's like I said," Corey said with a nonchalant shrug. "Harry looks like this Percy guy, and I trust Percy, so I trust Harry. And he has that lightning scar, and something about lightning makes me smile. I don't think he likes me very much, though. I think he's scared of me."

"Why would he be scared of you?" Professor Snape inquired.

"For the same reason that you guys are." Corey tapped her nails on the arms of her chair. "I'm an entirely unknown factor. Even I don't know who I am. People always fear what they don't know, or what they don't understand. That, and I keep getting up in his personal space. It's just his lightning scar. Something about it feels like a joke. Like the universe is laughing at me."

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