10. personal

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If he wasn't in love with Corey before, he definitely was now.

As soon as they stepped out of the party, he pulled his Invisibility Cloak out of his pocket while Corey took off her shoes ("Now they'll never hear me coming.") Then they huddled under the Cloak together and started down the hallway. Harry had wanted to check each door, but Corey had shaken her head and said wisely, "They probably went to the last room at the end of the corridor. They want distance but it's too important to go too far."

And she was right. When they reached the final classroom in the corridor and crouched down to press their ears against the keyhole, he could hear Snape and Draco talking. Or, rather, arguing.

"...cannot afford mistakes, Draco, because if you are expelled--"

"I didn't have anything to do with it, alright?"

"I hope you are telling the truth, because it was both clumsy and foolish. Already you are suspected of having a hand in it."

Malfoy sounded livid. "Who suspects me? For the last time, I didn't do it, okay? That Bell girl must've had an enemy no one knows about -- don't look at me like that! I know what you're doing, I'm not stupid, but it won't work -- I can stop you!"

There was a brief lull in the conversation, during which Corey and Harry exchanged looks, and the former mouthed, "Katie?"

Snape's voice was quiet as he said, "Ah...Aunt Bellatrix has been teaching you Occlumency, I see. What thoughts are you trying to conceal from your master, Draco?"

"I'm not trying to conceal anything from him, I just don't want you butting in!" Draco spat.

"So that is why you have been avoiding me this term? You have feared my interference? You realize that, had anybody else failed to come to my office when I had told them repeatedly to be there, Draco--"

"So put me in detention! Report me to Dumbledore!" Malfoy shot back. It almost sounded like he was challenging Snape.

Another pause and then, "You know perfectly well that I do not wish to do either of those things."

"You'd better stop telling me to come to your office then!"

"Listen to me." Snape's voice was so low that Harry could hardly hear it. "I am trying to help you. I swore to your mother I would protect you. I made the Unbreakable Vow, Draco--"

"Looks like you'll have to break it, then, because I don't need your protection! It's my job, he gave it to me and I'm doing it, I've got a plan and it's going to work, it's just taking a bit longer than I thought it would!"

"What is your plan?"

"It's none of your business!"

"If you tell me what you are trying to do, I can assist you--"

"I've got all the assistance I need, thanks, I'm not alone!"

"You were certainly alone tonight, which was foolish in extreme, wandering the corridors without lookouts or backup, these are elementary mistakes--"

Malfoy's voice rose. "I would've had Crabbe and Goyle with me if you hadn't put them in detention!"

"Keep your voice down!" Snape ordered. "If your friends Crabbe and Goyle intend to pass their Defense Against the Dark Arts O.W.L. this time around, they will need to work a little harder than they are doing at pres--"

"What does it matter?" Malfoy interjected. "Defense Against the Dark Arts -- it's all just a joke, isn't it, an act? Like any of us need protecting against the Dark Arts--"

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