Chapter 6 :)

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G'day! Well...I'm Esther and I'm writing this chapter so enjoy! Or dnt...:) btw Nikita stop changing the titles to smiley faces with so many chins!


Esther's POV

I looked up from my phone to see Dahvie staring at me.

"Can I help you?" I said trying not to show an annoyed tone in my voice.

"Don't you have somewhere to be?" He replied tapping his foot impatiently.


"Your not German hoe!...look why don't you go out for a walk with Axel and Riley and find yourself a fuck buddy?" He sighed

"Oh so you can have alone time with your's?" I winked giving him a smug smile.


"Don't forget to use protection baby!"

"What! Fuck off!"

"My pleasure! By the way you might want to use the spare bed room, your bed is very loud."

"Wait wha-?"

"I am just being considerate! You don't want the neighbours to hear your fun time with Mrs Nikita Vanity!" I smirked, when I saw Nikita coming into the room, I left leaving Dahvie chocked for words.


I walked into Dahvie's dining room to see Axel crying, and hell his crying was creating a water fall on Dahvie's coffee table.

"Axel what's wrong?" I knelt down beside him.

"I..I.....she is....mmm" Axel sniffles trying to stop himself from crying but failing to do so.

"Shhhh take a deep breath and calm down, then explain everything ok?"

He nodded sniffling and wiping his eyes.

After several moments of sobs that began to quiet down Axel spoke up.

" is going out with Jack!" He broke down again.

"Wait what? But they broke up!"

"I k-know!"

"How did you find out?"

"I heard her! She was talking on the phone to Jack and....and...they are going to hang out tomorrow!" He screamed.

"That doesn't mean they are

going out! They stayed friends, they're just hanging out" I said hugging him.

"I....I just want her to be mine and no one else's!"

"I know Axel, I know. But you have o realize that she has other friends that are male."

He sniffled

"Ok...yes I know. I just get easily jealous I guess..." He sighed.

"You guess? You know!" I smiled hugging him again, he hugged me back. After a few moments of silence we heard a high pitched shriek.

" ahhhhhhhh!!!! Group hug!" Riley cheered running over to is and joining our hug.

"H-how Long have you been there!?" Axel panicked.

"Oh don't worry I only just got here! I know what you two were talking about though!!" She enthused.

"You do?" Axel gulped.

"Mmmhmmm you two are going out now aren't you!" Riley jumped up and down in excitement.

"What no!" I said first glaring at her. I looked over at Axel who had a relieved look on his face.

"Awk why not! She huffed childishly.

"Because we are best friends!" I flicked her forehead.

"Wehh!" She waved me away, "well best friends can go out too!"

"Yeah well not us" I glared at her again she was starting to really tick me off.

"God you won't have a relationship with anyone you are so bloody stubborn!" She seethed.

"Fuck you!" I stormed out of Dahvie's house....

Axel's POV

"....I...I didn't mean to upset her!" Riley said obviously upset with what she said.

"It's ok, she will be fine" I said patting her back...oh my gosh why did I do that I am such a dork, I removed my hand quickly.

"I'm gonna go apologise"

"I would give her some time to calm down first. You could go over tonight"

"Yeah...I'll do that"

"I'll come with you if you want?"

"No it's ok I can deal with her but do you think you can walk me home?"

" yeah! Yeah of course!" I mentally face palmed myself I sounded way to enthusiastic when I said that!

"Thanks Axel" she smiled, her dimples are so cute!

As I walked her home we talked about school and crap like that. I wasn't watching where I was going, I was to distracted by Riley's one on earth is as cute as her! Just then I bumped into someone. We both stumbled to the ground.

"Oooff!" A female voice cried.

"Oh crap sorry I said quickly getting off the ground to help her up." Oh my God...she was beautiful!!! She had super short jet black hair, Hazel eyes and such soft features!

"It's ok..." She said snapping me out of my trance, even her voice is beautiful!

" sorry again...I just wasn't looking where I was going!"

"It's ok" she smiled bowing her head, aww she is so shy!

"Um can you....." She nodded gesturing to her hand, I was still holding from helping her up. I hastily let go

"Oh man sorry I didn't--"

"It's ok" she giggled, I smiled. " well I best be going maybe I'll see you around" she smiled and went on her way.

"Yeah...yeah" I said waving.

"I wonder of that's the new girl at out school." Said Riley

"There's a new girl?"

"Yeah, didn't you hear?"

I stared blankly at her, she rolled her eyes.

"Last Friday our form teacher told us! The new girl is supposed to come in this Monday." She said.

"What makes you think it's her?"

"Well I have never seen her before in my neighborhood."

"Ah ok".

We walked the rest of the way in silence to her house.

"Thanks for walking me back" Riley smiled.

"No problem!"

"See you Monday!" She waved.

"See ya!"

I walked to my house thinking. I like two girls now...I don't want to be a player! I hope this girl is the new girl, maybe then I could get to know her a bit better! Man, I can't wait for Monday! never thought I would say that?----

Well that's that :) hope you all enjoyed! Ttfn (tata for now) :).

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