Technical creations

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My friend Spifey create a lot, on the technology side at lest. Sharing a house with him is a nightmare if you don't know what he is doing. He now had someone, or something to help him I've never seen it. Spifey said its not smart, I had tried to see what he was doing but he always seamed to know my plan before I did. I have another freind who I hang out with, Vincent. He has come up with some ideas but never has come to try them. He told me he would one day, but we both know he's lieing.

On this morning Spifey left early. About five minutes later there was a knock on the door. I ran down and opened it. "Zak, did he leave? Where did he go? How long will he be gone for?" He asked. "Um... Vince... Yes he left, he's out shopping normally takes about 3 hours." I told him. "Okay. We gotta get into his room. He has it locked right?" I nodded. Vincent pulled out something he had made. We got to Spifey's room. His lock is a password. Vincent put on the goggles and pressed some button's. "Okay let's go." He opened the door and there was metal everywhere. There was humming coming from behind a door next to the closet. "Ready?" Vincent asked. "Yes." Vinsent knocked on the door and someone called out. "Spifey your back early." Vincent kicked me. He clearly wanted me to speak. "Hi.. I'm Zak, you know..." He opened the door. "Skeppy?" He asked. "How did you know?" I asked. "I don't... I'm programmed to listen to Zak, Skeppy." He said. "Programmed?" Vincent asked. "Yes Spifey built me to help clean. And do odd jobs." He said. "Its that it?" I asked. "But he also gave me feeling's. And a brain... Also a name. Darryl. The Darr. Part is Dedicated And Reliable Robot. He added the yl to make it more of a name." He informed us. Vincent elbowed me "What?" Vincent smilled. "I think he made this for you, your birthday is tomorrow right?" I nodded. "We should pretend we never saw him. Well bye Darryl, don't tell Spifey we where here okay?" Darryl nodded.

The next day was almost the same until Vincent came in and threw a pillow at me. "Get up birthday boy, I made your cake so you don't have to expect any metal parts. Or anything good." He said pulling me out. "V! I haven't even got changed." I was still in my diamond pajamas. "Yeah and its perfect!" He held out something and pressed a button. "Think about the outfit you want to have." I closed my eyes and just thought about a light blue T-shirt with a black jumper and casual black trousers, with a blue streak down the side. "Now open." I looked down and there I was waring the same ones I thought of. "If it doesn't read your mind its not a Spifey creation." I told him. He nodded. "This is your thing now." He gave it to me. "Thanks Vince." He shrugged. "Don't thank me that Spifey." He said. "Right, well shouldn't we go down now?" I asked. He nodded.

When we went down Darryl was making breakfast. There was also a note on the table, from Spifey. It said something about him having to head out early. And explained more about Darryl. "Hey." Vincent spoke. "Hi." Darryl replied more focused on what he was doing then Vincent. "How are you?" I asked him, at the sound of my voice he looked up. Vincent raised his eyebrow, almost impressed. "I'm fine, are you okay?" He asked. "I'm great. Want help?" Vincent mumbled something I didn't hear, Darryl might have though because he went a little red. "No its fine, I can do it myself." I nodded and sat down, focusing my attention on Vincent. "So what are we going to do today?" I asked him. "Well..." Before he could finish what he was saying we heard thunder. "Fantastic." I whispered. We all then heard the door slam and a tall brown haired boy stood in the kitchen doorway. He pushed his glasses further up his face. "Dam sorry Zak, looks like we have to have a indoor party." He said. "Spifey?" I asked. "Yeah?" Vincent was surprised. "Why did you come back quickly? You said you would be gone for most of the day." He shrugged. "I was told about the storm by one of your friends actually." He said. "Who I thought Vincent was the only one who came down." Then we all heard a thud and then. "Ow! Spifey!" He called out. Me and Darryl ran out to help "Jacob what are you doing?" I asked. "Trying to untangle myself from wires that someone left in your hall, but yeah good to see you too." We laughed for a little bit unaware that Darryl had set to work to free Jacob. "There." He said once he was done. "Wow." Jacob was impressed. "Where did you get him?" He asked. "Um... What do you mean? Am I supposed to give you my freind." When I said friend Darryl smiled at me. "Right got it, no telling." He winked and walked away.

Months later.

"Spifey!" I called out. "What?" He asked. "When are you gonna be done I want to play Minecraft!" I couldn't see him but I think he rolled his eyes. "Zak your not getting out of this, we are doing this for Darryl." Right that's why I want to do this. We all know about how I had fallen in love with him, I couldn't even hide it well enough. I know Darryl never found out, if he had maybe he wouldn't have gone out that day maybe we wouldn't be at the point that he is no longer here. Now everything we do is for Darryl almost as if he is here. Which he isn't so we should stop pretending.

Little did I know this one if for Darryl.

POV switch

Are we really doing this? Yes. Will Zak be happy? I hope so. If not... Then we will get to that when we do. Vincent promised Zak would love this but I have a lot of doubts. "Are you sure we should do this?" I asked Vincent as he shoved me to words the area we where meeting Zak. "Yeah if he reacts badly I will punch him." I closed my eyes to picture that. "No, that its the thing we should avoid doing." Vincent nodded. "Right, not fighting." Then we heard people. "Them?" I asked. "Maybe? Spifey is that you?" We had to wait for a few second's but we got our reply. "Yep and Zak! You can take you your blindfold now." I glared at Vincent who just shrugged. When Zak saw me he just rushed up and pulled me into the most painful hug ever. "You okay?" I asked. "I missed you, I thought you where gone. You are real right?" I nodded. "Yep, I'm real. Sorry about that, I didn't want you to think I was dead, well I was but... Its hard to explain." Zak just smiled. "I love you Darryl." Then fell asleep. "He hasn't slept much." Vincent explained. "Oh. Okay well let's get him home." I gently picked him up and we carried him to the car. Vincent got into the front with Spifey and I got Zak into the back of the car then myself. "Darryl we have to drop Vincent at the airport first then we can go home." Vincent nodded. "Darryl tell Zak I said goodbye, and that I wanted to tell him myself but he's a lazy bit..."
"LANGUAGE!" I yelled. Zak moved a bit but didn't wake. Surprising us all. "Tell Zak that you love him please before I go." I glared at him. "Fine. I love you Zak." I said. Zak didn't wake again but smiled. "Let me know when you two actually get together. I'll be waiting." He smiled at us and left.

Sorry I've been gone for so long, also sorry I couldn't think of a better ending

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