Magic AU part 3

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Me and Zak never got time alone since we ran off. The others always respected our space but would't leave us alone for long enough beause we where 'too important' I never wanted to be importent.

One night however, we got our time to talk. Just before we all went to dinner Zak gave me a note saying. Tonight, back yard. I nodded at him and countinued talking to Vincent.

That night I met him in the backgarden. I saw Zak waitng, looking at the stars. I stood next to him. Taking hold of his hand. He looked over at me and smiled. We where in silence just enjoying the time we got alone. Zak lent on my shoulder and closed his eyes. "Thank you." He said. "For what?"

"Being here, with me." Those words made me feel alot happier then I had been in a while, I went from being alone and feeling like I will never be anything, to sittng here, in the middle of the night, with someone I cared for to the point where I would give then eveything. "I think I'm in love with you." I told Zak. He smiled. "I know I love you." Zak opened his eyes and moved infront of me. I knew what would happen next. I pulled him closer to me and.......

The next day me and Zak didn't want to tell the others about last night. While it made both of us feel happy. We had no plan to tell the others, not yet at lest. Nick was fiddling with a radio. "What is this?" He asked. "It was my parents." We looked over and saw Mega staing in the doorway. "I know you diddn't grow up here so you wouldn't know." Nick put the radio down. "What happned to your parents?" Zak asked. Mega shot him a look that clearly showed he was mad. "Thats sort of personal." Zelk said. "Sorry." Zak looked over at me and I smiled at him. "Its okay, I just never thought people would care." Mega smiled at us and left.

"Will he be back?" Zak asked. "He can't really go anywhere." Vincent however was unsure of his own words. "I hope he stays safe." Zelk told us. He went up to bed since it was late for him. Zelk has a weird sleeping patten. Clay came in with a huge smile. "Someone's happy." Vincent said to him. "Shut up, you'll ruin it." Clay sat next to him and sat with a smile on his face. "Have you heard anything from Spifey?" I asked. "Yeah I have, he and Techno got split up, hes coming here."

There was a knock on the door. Spifey we there, witha human knocked out on his back. Vincent took the boy from Spifey. "What happened?" He looked mad, almost like he knew the human. "He knew what I was, then the queen attacked. She was undercover. She attacked us." Vincent rolled his eyes. "Zelk is upstairs. Clay and George are in their room, I sugest you don't go in there, Nick is in the garden, as for me Zak and Darryl, we will be in the living room." I followed Vincent with Zak by my side. Zak was looking at the human. "Can he see magic?" He asked. "Yes, and don't call him he, his name is Jude." Zak smiled. "So you know him?" He asked. "Oui." Zak looked over at me. "Do you think Nick is inside now?" He asked. I nodded and Zak led me outside.

He sat on the grass. "This sucks." He said. "Hey at lest you know that you can turn into something crazy." I told him. "Which now means we are close to being killed, getting myslef killed with my dumb actions, I can live with that, but getting you killed..." He looked away from me. "It would be like the end of the world to me."

I wasn't sure what to say. He turned back to me with tears in his eyes. "What I mean is that I love you, to the point where if I lost you I wouldn't be able to live, especaly when I could be the cause of your death!" I put my hand on Zak's cheek. He smiled softly at me. "I love you too, I promise you won't be the cause of my death." He hugged me tightly. I have to look after this muffin.

Nick called us in to eat. Jude had woken up and was talking to Vincent about his life. They where freinds when they where younger, when Vincent came inot the human world to collect Mega... Mega! He never came back. Spifey was in a debate with Zelk, they didn't noitce that Mega was gone. I stood up, telling the others I needed to use the bathroom. I however went out to the hall. Zak came out to check on me. "What are you doing Darryl?" I looked over at him. "Mega never came back."
"We can't go looking for him, you know what the other said."
"I know... But Mega..."
"Is not like us! We should risk our lifes for this!"

Zak had never shouted at me, so that took me by suprise. He bit his lip. "Sorry." He was really quite when he said that. "Its okay, I know you didn't mean it. I'm going to find Mega though, and nothing you say can change that. That way if I die, it won't be..." Zak got me to shut up, in the most suprising way, he kissed me.

"You can go, but not without me." Zak said after he pulled away. "Ok, just promise that we will both make it out alive." Zak nodded. "Lets go then." We snuck out with no problem. The only one was how long we had, when would they notice we where gone, last time they found out quickly, last time they where also alseep. "Darryl." Zak said nervously. "What?" I asked him. "We might have a problem. " I looked up and was greated by the hybrid queen...

Hi, before you guys go I had an idea, I am going to release exetented versons of this AU once it is done and the hybrid AU, the Hybrid AU's first part will be out later today and the Magic AU extended verson will come out when I finsh the mini storys. If you want to know more I have some information:

The point of the extened versons are:

Hybrid AU: To develop the story more at to see a better writen verson. There will also be more fights and will be longer and have a new ending.

Magic AU: Look more at the backstory of all the people involed. Look into everyones story and POV not just Darryls and will also have a longer ending then the one I have planed.

The Hybrid and Magic AU will have Skephalo but will also have Dreamnotfound/Gream VincentXF1nn and I'm inbetween two either ZelkXMega or ZelkXSpifey. So if you are likely to read them which would you sugest? If it is even or I don't get any sugestions I'll just flip a coin.

Thats all for today, have a great day (Or night.)

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