Chapter 11 - You'll See😏

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Ya'll can treat this as a 'We're back!' chapter
An A/N will come shortly after with things me and Webster have been discussing for future chapters.

Both Maureen and Mark got lost on the way back to the campsite, they could've been there by now but Maureen couldn't keep herself in the right mindset as it was already late afternoon and as our early discoveries showed she was in fact very scared of the dark.

As they both tried to find their way out of the woods the sound of crunching leaves followed them, a sudden crack of wood was heard that was followed by a shriek of fright from Maureen which also resulted in tightening her grip on Mark's arm.

"Dude so loud" a masculine voice was heard from behind one of the trees beside them, the two students looked over to see a boy maybe a year or 2 older than them "O-Oh I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to...its just that-" the poor girl was cut off when Mark recognized him after taking a closer look "Harold! What are doing here??" Mark went over to high five his older brother but not letting the girl's arm let go of him "Wait hold up, you know this guy?" Maureen asked "yeah he's my older brother...wayyy older hahaha" Mark joked and was flicked directly on the forehead right after "Oh Ha Ha" the two boys playfully bickered for a while without noticing that the girl with them had now drowned in her own thoughts.
Mark noticed that she became silent all of a sudden and decided to add her to the conversation in case they made her feel left out "Oh if you're wondering why he's not in our school he moved in with my aunt not too long ago along with our older sister Neth since our parents enrolled them at Platia high" he looked at her and then Harold who was waving and showing off an friendly smile "Oh I see, I guess that's why I've only seen you from the opening ceremony when they announced you, I guess I totally forgot about that fact" "anyways what were you doing here?" Mark asked his brother "I was collecting sticks for the campfi--... Wait WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING HERE?! You're supposed to be at the campsite" Harold asked them ferociously "Ok ok hold up! Erase any of those thoughts from your mind right now! I swear nothing happened between us! We just went to the cliff to watch the sunset but when we tried to get back it was too dark and we kinda got lost on the way....that's all" Mark said trying to lead out any misunderstandings or misinterpretations, the older boy looked at the two with a raised brow still not all that convinced but he decided to drop it and change the topic "Whatever I'll help you two put, I already finished collecting anyways" he said while turning his back to the both of them and walking back to the place he came from. The two followed along and in no time they arrived back to the campsite.

When they arrived back each headed to their designated places camps. Mark went to the boys' side, Harold went back to his troop and along so with Maureen, when she arrived to hers she was met with a big surprised when she saw everything was already set and prepared by her troop. The campfire was lit and burning pretty big, the tents were already set up, the surrounding were perfectly lit by lamps hung on low branches and pretty much everything was good and ready to go.

Meanwhile....with the boys

When Mark arrived he wasn't surprised when he saw Webster had already started on setting up his tent, while so about three girls from other schools were also there to watch and cheer him up.

After Harold knew that those two were good on their way he headed back to the leader's cabin after dropping off the firewood to take a shower. At the same time Liam was doing his round around camp, he was satisfied with how things are and headed to his cabin to relax and do his business.

With all the helping, instructing and teaching he had to do to the boys that were new to camping he became quite bit stressed out and was looking forward to him him time with the bathtub provided for the staff and leaders. Once his feet touched the cabin wood floors he didn't waste any time and grabbed his essentials before heading strait to the bottom floor bathroom, due to his rush he never heard the sound of water from the other side of the bathroom door. He opened it and was surprised and embarrassed when he saw someone inside already half naked and about to enter the shower.

From Liam's view everything seemed like it all slowed down....not because of what you call 'love at first sight' but because of embarrassment, he snapped out of his thought when he heard the other start to speak "Yo man, uhhh I'm trying to take a you mind like going out, ta know?" he was frozen for a second before bowing and swiftly turning around and out the door, he shut it and slid down the wall to rethink about his life choices that led up until now. He looked over to the door again before looking at the floor 'He was pretty handsome....was he single?' thousands of questions circling around the man in the bathroom began to enter Liam's head as his face got redder and redder with each.

Not very long after that same man came out and looked at Liam who was still sitting on the floor "Hey...I'm done you can go in now" Liam looked up was met with a sight to behold. There Harold stood tall and shirtless with a towel around his waist and another on his head to dry off his hair. Without realizing it Liam started staring then saw the choker with Harold's name on it, he got up and nodded before going in the bathroom.Once Liam closed the door he let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.


A/N: Ok just a side note if anything about Liam and Harold being well....^^^ like that makes you uncomfortable feel free to ignore it but it does play a role in the story, I'd like to remind you all that Liam is Pansexual and we are adding scenes with the element of LGBTQ+.

A/N: Also the choker is worn by EVERYONE, it's a piece of accessory my co-writer suggested as an identification tag for everyone, since this is a camp it'll be a hassle to wear IDs or a clip on name tag that might get lost.

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