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I woke up with exhaustion written in my face, but the faces that greeted me when my eyes opened cleared some of it away.

Both of my boys were still asleep, but a little movement from me opened Tony's eyes. Nicholas was sleeping between us, still soundly snoring even though he was the least tired from us. We moved him there some time that night so we wouldn't accidentally push him off given that the bed was small.

Tony's eyes crinkled as his face contorted into a smile, "Good morning, Dee."

I greeted him with a smile as well, "Good morning."

He put his face close to mine and met my lips shortly. The movement made Nicholas shift on the bed with a little groan of complaint, making us chuckle softly.

I sat up and stretched my arms, "How are you feeling?"

"Better," he answered and moved his body so he was sideways facing me. He put an arm out to support his head as he gazed at Nicholas while running a finger on his nose.

I looked back at him and placed the back of my palm on his forehead, feeling his temperature. I nodded in satisfaction when it wasn't hot, "That's good."

Nicholas was scrunching his nose so Tony would remove his finger but unfortunately for him, his daddy was stubborn.

I flicked his forehead with an eye roll, "Just wake him up already."

Tony laughed, "Alright alright. Will do, boss."

I got up and went to my bag of clothes, picking up some denim shorts and a plain white t-shirt, "I'll go take a bath first."

He nodded as he shook Nicholas awake, "I'll take care of Nicholas. Meet you at the hall?"

I flashed him a challenging grin, "The last one who gets there gets to give the report."

Tony's lips lifted up into a smirk, "Sorry, darling. I think you forgot that I wasn't included yesterday?"

My mouth opened up, trying to say a retort but closed them again when I couldn't think of anything. I groaned in frustration, "Fine, you win."

He laughed heartily, "Aw, don't be sad. You might have not won the argument but at least you won my heart, which I must say is a thousand times better."

"Sure," I agreed with a roll of my eyes. I grabbed the towel and soap before walking towards the exit, "I'll be going now."

"Farewell, Dee," he called out before I was out of earshot.

Tony's been more laid back since we left the palace. There are times when he'd slip back to his polite and formal language but he's used to being informal now. Plus, he's now more playful. He's playful even before but he's now, you might not even think he was a prince.

I went towards the lake where the women take their baths. The men go to a much farther waterfall. There were already people washing themselves in the water so I started doing so as well.

I've come to know a lot of people in our . . . rebellion. It's still weird calling it that. Never would I have thought that I would be part of one. I conversed with some as I washed myself.

I quickly dried myself and put on clothes, still wanting to beat Tony to the hall. When I was there, not a lot were present, probably still asleep. But, to my inconvenience Tony was already there, conversing with Xenaia with Nicholas in his arms. Their conversation looked a little seriousㅡwhich was nothing to be scared of since they always talk like that, but I suddenly felt the urgency to report what I had found.

"Tony!" I called and made my way towards them. The three of them turned their heads toward me.

"Mommy!" Nicholas greeted with a toothy smile.

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