Chapter 6

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Tanya's Pov

The couple brought me into what was probably one of the biggest rooms in the whole building.

I stared in amazement at the fact that their were four whole beds in here and there was still lots of extra room.

The woman led me over to a table and pulled a chair out for me.

"You sit here for a moment. We'll be right back," She said smiling widely as she and her husband walked out of a room.

"Wait, you can't just leave me here!" I shouted after them but they were already gone.

I sighed and glanced around nervously. 

How did those people think this was acceptable?

They literally dragged a child into their hotel room, without my consent I might add, and then left me alone.

Well on closer inspection I wasn't really alone as I had thought.

They had left their children here with me.

There were four of them.

I got up and walked over to the door.

Well I'm leaving.

They's no reason to stay here.

I reached out and to turn the handle.

To my surprise, it was locked.

I punched the door angrily.

This was so illegal!

They had already basically kidnapped me, and now they locked me in here?

I looked around.

Maybe there was a window or something I could use to get out.

I snuck around the room trying not to wake up the sleeping children.

When I finally found a window and opened it's curtains I paused and stared.

It was still raining?

Thunder and lightening flashed and boomed outside.

I growled, seriously this is what woke me up.

Was I that dumb?!

Had I really been woken up by thunder?

What would everyone say if they knew the great Tanya Von Degurechaff was afraid of something like this, not that anyone would ever know, but still it was utterly pathetic.

No, calm down Tanya it's fine, I thought trying to convince myself.

But it wasn't fine.

If it hadn't been for those idiots coming to check on me I'd probably still be having a panic attack.

I had seriously thought that the hotel was being attacked.

And, I hadn't even grabbed my gun.

My only thought had been to escape before somebody killed me.

If there had been an attack I would likely have been dead by now.

"Who are you?"

I quickly turned around at the sound of an unfamiliar voice.

In front of me stood a girl who was probably around the age of five or six.

She had long tangled black hair and dark green eyes.

"I'm Tanya. You're parents decided that it would be fun to kidnap me."

The girl frowned, "Oh, I'm so very sorry that they did that! Come to think of it though they have been acting quite strange recently."

"It's not you're fault besides, I'm breaking out of here," I pointed towards the window, "So, if you'll excuse me I need to get out of here before those idiots come back."

The kid nodded and sat down to watch me.

I turned back towards the window and lifted it up and looked out at the drop.

It was a around a ten foot drop so I could probably make it with only a bruise or two.

I glanced back at the girl, "Close the window after I jump."

"Okay," she said cheerfully.

I took a deep breath and jumped.

(Hi everyone! Today has been really fun so far, and guess what! I got to watch the Youjo Senki movie! I finally found website were I could watch it for free. If you're wondering, what why doesn't she just buy the movie, it is because my parents don't know I watch anime. Well my dad does but I always tell him I'm watching Pokemon not something about a crazy girl who doesn't believe in god. Everyone in my family besides me believes in god through and through so they'd hate me if they knew some of the anime I watch. Oh, and I turned thirteen on the 8th! Basically, I feel like this year is going to be good! Anyways Bye!)

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