Chapter 55: The Strategist of Aurora

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As blade clashes against blade, I come to realize that Aikaterina is clearly holding back, but then again, so am I.

"What do you want with us?" I ask as Kat and I try to push each other back and forth, our blades connected.

"Carmin wants the stone," Kat says, frowning. "I don't want him to get it, but..."

"But you can't easily or obviously go against your team all by yourself," I finish for her, and the knowing look in Kat's eyes says I've got it right.

No matter how strong and how calculating Kat may be alone, she'd be outnumbered and surrounded by four skilled Arias, and I don't even know if she fully knows how to use Sloth yet. Her dragon slayer abilities and skills gained over time would certainly be helpful, but I don't know how helpful against them.

"I know that it wasn't you, you know," Kat adds softly after a few moments, nearly making my hold against her falter. "I know that you didn't kill him."

"You do?" My breath hitches.

I had hoped she knew the truth about Raciel, but hearing it from her somehow makes the crushing guilt in my chest just a little less crushing. Still crushing, nonetheless, but...

"Yeah," Kat smiles sadly. "I know what happened. I don't blame you for it. You shouldn't either, Sora. You were one of the people who effectively helped him. He really cared about you, and I know you really cared about him too."

"Kat! What're you doing?" The woman with white hair shouts from the rooftops as she runs around. "Stop stalling!"

"Sorry," Kat mutters to me quickly before she goes back to attacking me with more purpose.

"Don't be," I grin, teal and green bursts of energy colliding as we fight. "Think of it as training practice."

Kat grins at me in return and she gives me a small nod before she jumps up and kicks herself off of my blade into a backflip and then swings her greatsword in an arc motion once she's facing me. I dodge her strike by whirling off to the side and countering with one of my own in return, my blade lighting up in a column of green flames.


Kat barely has time to move out of the way of my strike just before everything begins to move in slow motion. My eyes widen as I try to look in the direction of the castle to see a group of horses riding towards us, a woman in tall brown riding boots over top of white skinny jeans and a flowing blue top with a brown vest and long blonde hair in a braid and blue eyes sitting on top of a white horse leading the group. My eyes flicker to the choker around her neck and it's then that I notice the runestone hidden in the emblem.

"Such children," the woman sighs. "Come, let's take this mess to the castle. I'd like to have a word with all of you."

"Major, is that the best idea?" One of the soldiers asks.

"It'll be fine," the woman waves, her eyes lingering on the woman with blue hair for a little too long. "Let us return."

Once the soldiers are off their horses and have all of us apprehended, the slowed time affecting those of us who were fighting goes back to normal. As we're escorted to the castle, I glance around at my surroundings and manage to see Clea, Kit, and Shae watching us from the sidelines. Meeting Clea's eyes, I hope she understands the meaning behind my hopeful expression that's telling her and the others to stay far from the castle and go meet with Akari and them for help. Somehow, though, I feel as if those three will take matters into their own hands.


The inside of Aurora's castle is as magnificent as I thought it to be, but it also feels more homey than I would've expected it to. Just inside the main entrance, there's a circular wooden table with a white vase of red roses, a warmly lit chandelier hanging over the table. Beyond the table, a grand wooden staircase matching the shade of the wooden floors leads upstairs. The soldiers lead us off to the left and beyond a ball room, warmly lit lights lining the hallways, as well as some more tables with vases of roses, and into a dining hall.

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