Chapter 63: Melting the Ice

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The next morning, I prepare to get ready to leave by changing into my armor, packing my other clothes into a suitcase that Cordelia provided. Cordelia said that after the ceremony we could return to the castle to gather our belongings that we didn't take with us. That being said, I figured my armor would be of more use than a suit and tie in the event of an emergency.

Once I'm changed, I head out to meet up with the others, meeting in the common area by the entrance to the castle where Cordelia instructed us to meet. Upon arriving to the common area, I notice Miroslava, Valentine, Isabella, Penelope, Layla, Akari, and Kaito are already there, Miroslava and Valentine talking quietly with Miroslava glaring at her older brother, Isabella quietly humming and reading her book, Penelope and Layla also quietly talking, and Akari and Kaito sitting on a stair together, her head resting against his shoulder. Isabella glances up from her book and smiles when she sees me, making me smile in return.

"Sora!" Isabella beams and waves, closing her book and letting it rest by her hip.

"Hi, Isabella," I say as I make my way over to her.

On my way over to her, I pass by Layla, who glares daggers at me, making me frown.

"Don't mind her," Isabella sighs quietly, having witnessed the entire scene. "You can't please everyone, you know."

"Yeah," I sigh, running a hand through my hair, "I know."

Soon, Gambit, Sekai, Evory, Darius, Clea, Merrick, Shae, Sander, Kit, Dean, Sapphire, Kat, and Reverence arrive, everyone except for Cordelia finally being together.

"Where's Cordelia?" Kit asks.

"Right here," Cordelia says as she marches over to us, pushing Carmin in front of her.

"Wait, why are we bringing him along?" Sander scowls.

"Those in charge of the temple requested Carmin be brought there for his trial," Cordelia sighs, "and by requested I mean insisted. They intend to potentially strip his title of Pride away from him so that someone more worthy can inherit it."

"You mean...similarly to the way my mother gave up being oracle to her sister?" Akari furrows her eyebrows.

"In a way," Cordelia sighs. "In order to do so, they would need Clea's help."

"I understand," Clea nods. "I'm more than willing."

"Alright then," Cordelia nods in return. "Are we all ready, then?"

Darius and Evory exchange a long hug as we start to separate into our groups, Gambit and Sekai doing the same. After a few parting words, Kat's group heads out before ours, escorted through the city and to the front gates by several of Cordelia's soldiers, the soldiers and Kat's group both on horseback. The rest of us then climb onto horses lent to us by Aurora, the one I climb on being all black with a white diamond above its eyes. Merrick climbs on behind me and wraps his arms around my waist, and I grin as I glance back at him. Meanwhile, Cordelia throws Carmin into the back of a cart that she locks, specifically used for transporting prisoners, before she goes around to the front and climbs on one of the horses that pulls the cart, Clea hopping on the other. Our group of horses begins to then head through the city, led by Cordelia and Clea.

"Where exactly is it that we're going?" Isabella asks. "I know you mentioned it was a sacred temple to Aurora and that the stones were created there."

"The temple we're going to is the Temple of Arabella, named after Arabella Aurelia, the woman who constructed it," Cordelia explains. "Nowadays, it's used primarily for spiritual purposes and for worshiping the Oracle. It holds one of the world's oldest and most divine forges, thus how the stones were created, and the temple itself is a sight to behold. It's also home to rows upon rows of books and scrolls, holding a vast array of knowledge within its walls. The temple is a few miles out from the castle and rests on a hill that overlooks the kingdom. It's protected by magical barriers, but we've been permitted to pass through. Once we get there, the barriers will temporarily lower before they rise once more, making sure the temple stays safe."

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